View Full Version : Tree of Life - Your thoughts?

Daniel Roberts
April 6th, 2011, 11:39 PM
Personally I have enjoyed the body of Terrence Malick's work. This is one of the most visually stunning, and ethereal trailers I have seen in a long time. I know Malick's films have the tendency to get a polarized reception, but I would like to see what you all might think of it.

John McCully
April 8th, 2011, 03:22 AM
Looks like a movie I would probably want to see. Visually stunning indeed. Ethereal is good. Not sure I’m so enamored with the narrative, the little I know, but if it turns out to be boring I’ll settle for the eye and ear candy, probably. And if the Trailer is any indication I imagine the editing will be note-worthy also.

Very ‘American’ (not that I’m complaining).

Thanks for the link.

Mathieu Ghekiere
May 23rd, 2011, 02:16 AM
I'm not a super-fan of Mallick, but I liked The Thin Red Line. Didn't like A New World, found it to be a bit pretentious, but maybe I should give it another chance (didn't see the whole movie too).

I went to see The Tree Of Life and I was very mesmerized by the whole experience. I absolutely hated the final 10 minutes, which I thought felt suddenly very cheap and not by the same director who just had me captivated for 2 hours. But the whole first 2 hours felt really intense.

I went to see it a second time yesterday, and I still disliked the ending (even more), and I was a bit more bothered with the whole Christian message that's a bit poundered on. I'm not religious, but the first time the movie felt more spiritual, the second time it sometimes felt a bit more like propaganda for the Christian faith. That being said: very impressive movie.
Visually sooo nice, very nice sound editing, very well acted by everyone, especially the kids. The scenes with Sean Penn could be better, because they feel very flat, but they are needed for the story.
The whole movie felt more of an experience then a narrative movie, but it was an experience that was impressive.

Ow, and I don't think it's everyone's cup of tea. 10 people or so left in the movie theatre yesterday evening (something I rather have then if they would start talking if they're bored).

Michael Plunkett
August 3rd, 2011, 07:40 PM
I'm glad I saw the movie, probably the only time I could have and I'm still thinking about it and googling it once in a while and thats a good thing.
I do think he could have had a better story line and get rid of the dinosaurs. It was pure cinema, maybe more than any other film I know of. The written and spoken word was far less important.

You can love it and hate it at the same time. An adult movie without any questionable or obscene images.

Sara Thompson
September 6th, 2011, 12:55 AM
To be honest... I did not like it. Do not get me wrong - the actors did a great job and they will definitely be well received at the Academy Award game for what they achieved with their great acting but what I really did not like was the way the movie made me feel. It was depressing and absolutely oppressive. Brad Pitts character was just tormenting me somehow.