View Full Version : Problems with FS-100 and VHF wireless

Christopher Glavan
April 6th, 2011, 03:09 PM
I am using the FS-100 with my GY-HD100U (I know I can only shoot SD but it was a good deal here and most of my clients don't care about HD right now). I also have 2x Audio Technica Pro88 wireless transmitter/receiver (again, good deal and trying to get by on the cheap for now).

When I start recording on the FS-100, I notice a consistent static pulse being picked up by the wireless units. Upon inspection I saw a little green light inside the FS-100 pulsing in sync with the audio disturbance, but in all my searching I can't figure out what this is or if I can turn it off somehow. I tried switching frequencies on the ATs (only 2 frequency options available) but I hear the pulse on both.

Anyone know what this is or know of any workaround?


Rick Reineke
April 6th, 2011, 03:26 PM
Have you tried moving the receiver away from the camera body. It's not uncommon to have RF splatter issues with some equipment. If that's the case, you could carry the receiver in a belt pack or elsewhere away from the camera.

Steve House
April 7th, 2011, 09:37 AM
I am using the FS-100 with my GY-HD100U (I know I can only shoot SD but it was a good deal here and most of my clients don't care about HD right now). I also have 2x Audio Technica Pro88 wireless transmitter/receiver (again, good deal and trying to get by on the cheap for now).

And now you know why getting by on the cheap is usually the most expensive option in the long run. Do it right the first time and you don't have to worry.

Greg Miller
April 7th, 2011, 10:33 AM
I saw a little green light inside the FS-100 pulsing in sync with the audio disturbance, but in all my searching I can't figure out what this is or if I can turn it off somehow.

I can only urge you to check the FS-100 manual thoroughly, or to call Canon, to find out what the green LED indicates.

What is the frequency code of the first Pro-88 pair; are you using channel A or B?
Same two questions for your second Pro-88 pair...?

Then: what have you done to try to isolate the source of the problem?

What happens if you disconnect the A-T receivers from the camera, and connect them to a separate audio recorder, or even a stereo amp and speakers? Do the receivers still pick up the static? If so, is the static present whether the camera is on or off? What if you go to an entirely different location (a few blocks or miles away); is the static still present? Aside from the static, does each receiver pick up its respective mic/transmitter OK?

If the static is present in only one location, you need an RF spectrum analyzer, or at least a good communications receiver, to try to locate the source of the static. Even so, realize that it might be something over which you have no control.

Dean Sensui
April 8th, 2011, 04:33 AM
I had similar RF problems when using an Audio Technica wireless system. The only solution was to move the Firestore far away from the AT receivers, and that wasn't practical.

It was another reason to abandon the Firestore.