View Full Version : Color Finesse for PPro CS5???

Robert Young
April 2nd, 2011, 11:55 AM
CS5 Production Premium comes with a plug in version of Color Finesse, and on my system, I see that it is installed in AE, but I cannot find it in PPro, nor can I find an obvious way to install it to PPro. I don't see any installation options on the CS5 install disks.
Is it no longer available for PPro CS5, or am I missing something??

Battle Vaughan
April 2nd, 2011, 12:57 PM
I can only speak for CS4, but the rtf file that comes with it describes Color Finesse as an After Effects plugin. The executable is an .aex (After Effects plugin) file, so I am assuming that, at least the version supplied by Adobe, is AE only....

edit: I tried dropping a copy of the entire Color Finesse folder into PPro plugins; there are other .aex files there and oddly, the executable calls PPro if you click it, but....Synthetic Aperture must have outsmarted us, PPro still didn't see it....too bad, the ability to call up Color in Final Cut is a real plus. I guess Adobe wants us to use their multiple-application scheme...

Manuel Lopez
April 3rd, 2011, 05:24 AM
The version bundled with CS5 Production Premium is only for After Effects, it is called Color Finesse LT. For Premiere Pro you need to purchase the full version.

Robert Young
April 3rd, 2011, 11:33 AM
Too bad...
I seem to recall that the bundled version would install to PPro in earlier versions, but alas, no more.