View Full Version : anyone using an i-cuff eyecup on their nx-5?

Karl Edwards
March 29th, 2011, 08:49 AM
hey all...

been using the nx-5 for just over a year. my only real complaint is the viewfinder is kind of small and the rubber cup they provide is the dog's breakfast!~

considering an i-cuff (I-Cuff (

anyone use one of these on their nx5? how's the fit? do ya love it?



David Wayne Groves
March 30th, 2011, 08:18 AM
Check at BH Photo, several reviews available from users on their website...

Karl Edwards
April 4th, 2011, 11:15 AM
yup, saw that - was asking for opinions of users of this site... :)


Don Bloom
April 4th, 2011, 02:10 PM
I've never used one on my small form factor cameras but when I was running fullsized cameras, I swore by my I-Cuff. I don't have any FS cams anymore but I've still got my Icuff. It was and is IMO the best thing going especially on hot humid sweaty days. It absorbed the sweat nicely, kept my eye nice and comfy.
I might try it on my small cams and see how it works out.

Karl Edwards
April 5th, 2011, 06:10 PM
thanks don,

i broke down and ordered one... figure it can't be worse than the big floppy sweat collector that comes with the nx5! as a bonus i'll be able to use it on my zacuto z-finder for the dslr side of things.

i'll let ya all know how i like it when it shows up!

Karl Edwards
April 12th, 2011, 07:01 AM
just a quick update as i've received the i-cuff in the mail.

to be honest, this really doesn't seem to play well with the nx5. i-cuff recommended the pro model for this camera but it's so huge that it really doesn't fit. i suppose i could duct tape it to my viewfinder but at that point, why don't i just fashion something out of duct tape to begin with??

in short - very disappointed. it's a "ram-jam" fit if at all. pretty much unusable.



Don Bloom
April 12th, 2011, 08:53 AM
yeah I looked at mine the other day and realized the thing is made for larger diameter VFs. Probably the smallest that would work without some sort of tape or something to hold it in place is 1 1/2 inch. Great idea though, too bad it didn't work out.