View Full Version : How to travel from New York to Canon's Service Center in Jamesburg, NJ?

Trond Saetre
March 29th, 2011, 04:47 AM
As the title says, does anyone know how the best way to go from New York City to Canon's Factory Service Center in Jamesburg, NJ? I have to go there early next week.

I will be using public transportation... ie bus, train, taxi... whichever is available.

I believe there is a train from NYC (departing Penn Station) to New Brunswick, so the question is mostly related to the part New Brunswick to Canon.

Any tips or links are most welcome...

Chris Hurd
March 31st, 2011, 12:33 PM
The address is 100 Ridge Rd., Jamesburg, NJ 08831-3000

A taxi is probably your best bet from New Brunswick:

New Brunswick, NJ to Canon USA Inc - Google Maps (,+NJ&daddr=100+Ridge+Rd,+Jamesburg,+NJ+08831-3000+(Canon+USA+Inc)&geocode=FUjFaQIdlfSP-ymlkmrwVcPDiTEMI455BlWSJQ%3BFasLaAIdSdqP-yEKkcuxF4X5Ryk5K35OJNvDiTEj1E5ilN1rSA&hl=en&mra=ltm&sll=40.419769,-74.41761&sspn=0.216943,0.445976&ie=UTF8&ll=40.428917,-74.476662&spn=0.216913,0.445976&z=12)

Trond Saetre
March 31st, 2011, 02:14 PM
Thank you, Chris.
Today I found that there seem to be a shuttle bus between New Brunswick train station and Jamesburg, which appear to pass by Canon.
I will write an update here after I get back home.

Learned today that I can do the PAL upgrade of the XF300 in Sweden, which will be more convenient for me.
So I won't go to NY.