View Full Version : Feature film shooting with F3 in Africa - screen grabs and updates as we shoot.

Giuseppe Pugliese
March 27th, 2011, 05:50 PM
Here is a link to our feature film shooting with the F3... I was flown to Africa to shoot this film, and I decided to shoot with the Sony F3. It's been through 106 degree weather, Super condensation, bangs and hits, and long run times.

If you wanna follow along just go here for the updates, all issues or notes about the camera are discussed:

G.P. Cinematography: Africa (

Just click on the TITLE of the post you want to view (for some reason my site wont let you click the photos to enter the post) video logs/ behind the scenes footage updated weekly, while the screen grabs I try to update daily or at least every other day.

F3 shooting internal codec, with RED 18-50mm T3 and set of lomo T2.1's. Lighting setups also described for particular shots. Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thierry Humeau
March 27th, 2011, 08:14 PM
Awesome, good work! I spent some time in Nigeria last year around Zaria and wish I had a F3 at the time. Keep the good news coming!


Giuseppe Pugliese
March 29th, 2011, 02:54 PM
more updates and screen grabs: G.P. Cinematography: Jungle Shrine screen grabs and equipment info (