View Full Version : Opacity Keyframe

Michele Coser
March 25th, 2011, 05:31 AM
I searched but i did not fuound what i need.

I'm starting to use Vegas Movie Studio HD 10 for a few project; but i'm used to Premiere Pro.
Is there a way to use keyframe opacity for a clip or change the opacity of a clip in diffrent moments?
Here is a pic from premiere pro that explain what i want:
Is useful if i have a two (or more) camera setup for a concert
It seems that using Envelopes is the way to go in Vegas but it doesen't seems to work!

The other thing, is possible to make diffrent sequencies into a project (say, i.e. working on separate scenes for a movie)?

Edward Troxel
March 25th, 2011, 06:22 AM
Use the "Composite Envelope". That will let you keyframe opacity. Also, you might want to look at Vol 1 #9 of my newsletters ( It illustrates multiple methods for doing a multi-cam edit.

The Pro version of Vegas has multi-cam built-in and can also use the various multi-cam scripts that are available.

Michele Coser
March 26th, 2011, 04:35 AM
I'm sorry but how exaclty i can do it?

In the help guide says that, when the Envelope tool is active, if i press Shift + mouse button, i can draw envelope points... however the shift key has no effect!

Does anyone know how to disable the loop region?

Edward Troxel
March 26th, 2011, 07:09 AM
The loop region has nothing to do with it but there is an option in the preferences to "Collapse Loop Region".

The composite evenlope is a TRACK level envelope. Right-click a blank area of the track, choose envelopes, and then composite. Once the envelope is turned on, you'll see it appear in the track. Once it's visible, you can adjust it.