View Full Version : Removing pops from a sound track (FCP)

Simon Glidewell
March 25th, 2011, 04:09 AM
Dear All,

There is an annoying little pop in a sound track, that appears in a short trailer I edited. It's in a piece of background music and wasn't there in the original. You can see the "pop" in the thin blue line that runs the length of the trailer edit (not sure what the blue line is called?) which indicates when video and sound need rendering. The pop shows up as blue, not red. Does anyone know how to remove the pop?

Many thanks

Allen White
March 25th, 2011, 04:46 AM
Was the pop introduced on export? Or does it appear when you drag the audio track into an editing timeline? If the former, re-export; try changing the audio export format to see if it happens again. If the latter, then convert the audio into a different format before importing into FCP to see if it replicates (if the audio isn't in AIFF format when you bring it into FCP, covert it to that format first, as FCP likes it best. If the audio is already AIFF, try WAV).

The problem seems like it's in your audio file. Sounds to me like maybe FCP doesn't like the audio for some reason, and when it renders the audio, it creates the pop, which is an error (or some audio format issue that FCP doesn't like, which happens often, and among many unpleasant effects can also result in popping) in the original audio file that isn't audible until imported into FCP.

Dave Partington
March 26th, 2011, 03:38 AM
For the avoidance of any doubt, open the original music in Soundtrack Pro and look at it. Re-export from Soundtrack Pro at 48khz as a wave file then re-import that to FCP. That usually fixes any import problems I've seen.

Jamie Pippin
March 26th, 2011, 03:09 PM
Follow the steps in this video, if you have Soundtrack Pro.

YouTube - Removing audio pops in Final Cut Pro (