View Full Version : MYT Works vs Kessler and Others

Steve Kalle
March 23rd, 2011, 07:21 PM
Has anyone used the MYT Glide (a slider) or their 3-in-1 which includes their Skate for dolly use? I have been looking at the Kessler Pocket Dolly but Abel Cine only carries the MYT Works products. My local Able Cine won't have a demo MYT Glide until a few weeks after NAB so I am trying to decide if I should wait even though I could put the slider to use almost immediately.

Here is the link to MYT Works.
Camera Gliders, Video Dolly, MYT Skate, Continuous Movement Filmmaking (


Ethan Cooper
May 10th, 2011, 09:55 AM
I ran across the MYT glide at NAB & was blown away at how much better of a tool it was than any other slider I've ever used. It's smooth as glass, silent (I'm looking at you Cinevate) well designed & has a multitude of setup options. I fell in love.

Oh, it's also 2x as much as it's competitors, but man it's good.