View Full Version : Wedding highlight with a gay skit..

Johannes Soetandi
March 21st, 2011, 06:20 AM
They are such a funny couple.. especially the groom. In the morning he had an idea of doing a gay skit with his groomsmen, we thought it'd be interesting, and it was!

This is also the first highlight I did where I try to include as much speeches on the day. Still trying to learn to knit the story with pieces of speeches along the day. Its much much harder than I initially thought. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!

Gears wise: 7D, 5D, 28mm f1.8, 50mm f1.2L, 135mm f2L, 24-70mm f2.8L, 70-300mm f4-5.6 IS, 11-16mm f2.8.

Thanks for watching :)

Ryan + Ally | Wedding Highlight | 19.02.11 | That One Night Stand... on Vimeo

Stephen J. Williams
March 21st, 2011, 10:27 AM
I must say.. very entertaining. I love that in Australia the B&G say their own speeches. So much more content to work with. IMO you did a nice job of combining the audio with the story of the day. Like I mentioned in another post, most of the time (at least for me) you don't get the best of words to go along with the day.
Well done....


also, I see that the (last time you'll have the upper hand bit) is obviously a world wide phenomenon.

Johannes Soetandi
March 23rd, 2011, 12:14 AM
Thanks Steve. I'm quite amazed by people who can do SDE with speeches from ceremony incorporated. It took me lots of hours to edit this particular one. I'm glad that it pays off.. heard many good feedbacks from the bride's facebook page :)

I didn't realize there's no B&G speech in the US. Its certainly working very well here in Oz and maybe those in the States can adapt our idea. :)

Nuno Ferreira
March 25th, 2011, 06:33 AM
Great work, loved the clip.
Both of you are lucky, because you have much more to work with.
On this side (Portugal), usually there are no speeches at all. Maybe one or another wedding you get some words from the bride or groom or even the best men, but it’s not very common. From what I see in videos, in Australia and the States (and maybe other countries), there is a totally different culture regarding weddings, that allows you guys to be more creative.

Susanto Widjaja
March 25th, 2011, 06:22 PM
hats off mate. I've said it before and will say it again, you have come a long way. I can hear perth is cheering for you.

now let me buy that version of the song... so cool!

Johannes Soetandi
March 27th, 2011, 08:12 PM
@Nuno: Hey Nuno, I'm sure that every country has its own culture that other countries don't have. I'm sure you can always find something creative to work with at where you are. It'll probably be different from what we have in US/AUS but why should it be the same? :)

@Santo: Thanks dude for the warm support :) Yeah, the remix version of this song is so cool! A definite top 10 most romantic songs in my playlist hehe :P

Nuno Ferreira
March 28th, 2011, 08:08 AM
Johannes, not saying it should be the same, every country has its culture, and that’s a good thing. But most weddings over here are always the same. Doesn’t mean that we can’t be creative over here, but we have less to explore.
Anyway, enough mourning. Loved the video. Keep up the good work.

Peter Szilveszter
March 29th, 2011, 01:14 AM
Good to see another aussie!! love the lightheartedness of the whole piece. Lots of great shots and love the little sequence around the 1min mark of the flowers and the isle.

I only have a couple of technicalities that I thought would improve it which is all things that can be done in Post. Getting good sound is a big one for me and so I thought when the groom vows came on, was very strange that the celebrants was sort of reverberating while the grooms was just fairly clean especially after we just heard the readings which was quiet clean from the celebrant. Either running a simple noise gate to reduce the reverberation or not having it at all which probably could have worked quiet well to create a nice beat when the groom was quiet emotional and then speaks.

I think another thing that could make it stronger is having some colour grading, it felt a little Videoish considering it was all on 5/7D.

On a subjective note, 3rd and 2nd last shots seemed to not gel..I really loved the lens flare kiss shot which i reckon would have flowed better with he final ring shot as it was sort of a nice moment and kinda looses the effect when it goes to the kissing clapping..but thats totally creative opinion and I am sure others would disagree.

But thats about it, otherwise keep pushing yourself!!

Johannes Soetandi
March 29th, 2011, 02:22 AM
G'day Peter! Warm welcome from the west coast side of the land :)

Thanks for the comment. I loveee an in-depth comments and highly appreciate your time in making these suggestions. :)

Re the vows, I actually have the officiant's audio (I mic'd her up). It just didn't cross my mind to actually use it on the edit and combine with the groom's vow. I'll pay better attention next time.

I'm not an expert on colour grading (actually, I probably have nil experience on it). I only use a traditional 3-way colour corrector in FCP. But I'll definitely try look into it. I've been eyeing on the Mojo Magic Bullet.. I can probably start my way there

About the clapping and kissing.. yes, I get what you mean and I can sense the disconnection in there.

Again, thanks for the tips, mate. Hope all is well in the east coast. :)

Peter Szilveszter
March 29th, 2011, 10:34 PM
I'm not an expert on colour grading (actually, I probably have nil experience on it). I only use a traditional 3-way colour corrector in FCP. But I'll definitely try look into it. I've been eyeing on the Mojo Magic Bullet.. I can probably start my way there

you probably should look at learning about grading which would be a wiser investment as that would help you to understand colour much better and all of it can be done in FCP without having to use external plugins like Magic bullet - here is something to get you started - Color Grading Effects Demystified digitalfilms ( Really magic bullet (looks) is great if you plan to learn its function, but its slow compared to native plugins and then there is COLOR for FCP which is way better.

Lisa Maxwell
April 18th, 2011, 10:22 AM
OMG! I LOVE IT! Tears and laughter all wrapped up in one video. Amazing work! WOW!