View Full Version : bent pins on cf card slot?

Scott Stoneback
March 19th, 2011, 10:53 AM
Anyone else have this happen to them? My Nano went out last week on a shoot, I was not using it. It came back with bent pins on CF1 slot. Of course, in the field, they didn't know why there was an error with the unit. I figured it out with some help from Andy at CD.

The bent pins are really mashed. I have no idea why one on the side and one in the middle are bent and all the others are fine. I assume someone jammed a card in sideways but don't know for sure.

I have a SanDisk FW800 reader that was giving me problems, I looked in the slot and there was a bent pin there, too. This happened long before the Nano's pins had bent.

Here is what I am wondering: Is it possible that a card is causing these bent pins? Is the card damaged and bending pins? Can CF cards get damaged like that? I've looked at the holes on the card, there is nothing obviously wrong (like broken plastic or plugged up holes) but I'm not sure.

CD does the repair at $50 plus shipping, my unit is on the way there for repair.

FYI, the problem will surface on the Nano in this way: you will see an error code come up that says something about the card not readable. You can select format card, but it won't complete properly.

If you have inserted one card into a broken slot, that card will not work in either slot. Say you take that same card, remove it from the broken slot and put it in a good slot... the good slot will read error and not work with any card until you power down. In other words, a corrupted card from a broken slot will corrupt the other slots, too. If you take a good card and put it in a good slot, the Nano will work fine, but it will be limited to one slot, of course.

Dan Keaton
March 19th, 2011, 01:55 PM
Dear Scott,

One way to damage pins on the nanoFlash is to get debris in the female sockets of the CompactFlash cards.

Then, when inserting the card into the nanoFlash, the debris gets in the way, and if one pushes hard, the pin is bent out of the way.

The hard part, is that the debris may become dislodged, then disappear.

Thus, instead of keeping CompactFlash cards in one's pocket, it is best to keep them protected in a case.

Of course, they may be other reasons why a pin could get bent. It happens, but not too often.

We try to keep our repair costs very reasonable. We have to disassemble the nanoFlash, remove it from the case, desolder over 40 connections, then resolder a new CompactFlash card socket onto the main circuit board of the nanoFlash.

I hope you found our $50 fee to be nominal.

Marshall Staton
March 19th, 2011, 04:05 PM
If CD resolders 40 connections, I'd definitely call $50 unreasonably cheap. Thanks for what you guys do!

Scott Stoneback
March 19th, 2011, 09:53 PM
As long as the nano works when I get it... $50 is not so bad at all. I was expecting more, honestly, so yeah, that is reasonable to me.

Dan Keaton
March 20th, 2011, 12:29 AM
Dear Scott,

Your unit will have been thoroughly tested prior to us returning it.

Please check all of your CompactFlash cards for any debris.

Lance Librandi
March 20th, 2011, 04:07 PM
Hey Dan goto chip in on this one $50 is a really good price, I can not get any repair work for that price most companies charge us min $65 and that's just to get a quote.

Well done CD

Dan Keaton
March 20th, 2011, 04:32 PM
Dear Friends,


We just feel that this is the right thing to do.