View Full Version : Is it possible to track the titles like in this video?

Marcus Martell
March 19th, 2011, 03:43 AM
Hi is it true that in Vegas i could do this AE trick like tracking the titles to the images?

Heart & Soul Of New York City on Vimeo

Dale Guthormsen
March 19th, 2011, 09:53 AM

good to see you are still on the forum!

To answer your question, yes, that is pretty easy to do with the pan crop tool. the most most difficult part, and it is not really hard, is regulating the speed of you moving text.

down load a trial version and have some fun with it. Ask further ?s if they come up.

Good luck1

Marcus Martell
March 19th, 2011, 12:40 PM
My friend!!Godd 2 hear from you!
I have SV10, but it's an effect usually my colleagues do with After Effects and i wanted to konw if i could chian a text to aplayer moving etc....
YOu mean doing it keyframing every single frame?????It's pretty long

thx mate

Robin Davies-Rollinson
March 19th, 2011, 04:48 PM
Marcus, the effect that you've been looking at is almost certainly Motion Tracking, which isn't a standard tool in Vegas, but is a third-party plugin, like Boris Continuum Motion Tracker. This will actually allow you to "lock" a title or any other image to selected pixels in another image, so they'll always be linked. It's much more sophisticated than trying to keyframe events together.

Gerald Webb
March 19th, 2011, 05:53 PM
Which parts/
If he wants to do the effect of the text moving behind a person or object in a scene, this will be masking and can be done in Vegas or AFX pretty much the same painful way- moving your mask with keyframes. Very doable in either.
If he refers to the text bouncing/dancing in time with another object/person in the scene,
Track a point on the person, say, a belt buckle.
Apply track points to a Null,
Parent your text to the null. =easy :)

In Vegas,
add a new track over your footage,
Insert text media.... full stop.
With pan crop, keyframe the full stop every few frames to follow the belt buckle (or whatever you are using),
Insert your text on another new track,
copy your full stop pan crop keyframes and apply to your text,
with track motion on the text track, move your text to where you want it in the frame, and watch it dance. = not so easy, but pretty satisfying :)

Dale Guthormsen
March 19th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Great advice from Robin and Gerald!!!

Boris is 200 dollars and worth it, but if money is tight just take your time and do it on vegas!!!

Marcus Martell
March 20th, 2011, 04:42 AM
Great advices here from RObin Gerald and Dale....
Yep i know i could mask in Vegas but never been succesfull....

In the case of the text that disappear as the car passes by what's your best advice to do it?
thx guys and have a nice weekend


Gerald Webb
March 20th, 2011, 01:34 PM
Very easy,
Insert your text media,
go to pan crop,
tick the mask box,
on the first frame of the car coming into contact with the text,
draw a mask vertically on the front end of the car and close it off as a box at the right of frame,
make the mask negative with a 1 pixel feather,
insert a couple of keyframes to move the mask in time with the movement of the car.
you're done.

Larry Reavis
March 23rd, 2011, 05:08 PM
"Boris is 200 dollars and worth it, but . . ."

I just bought Boris CC7 with its dozens of plugins, including tracking, for $600.

Read about it at Boris FX Introduces Boris Continuum Complete 7 for Sony Vegas Pro 10 (

or buy at

Boris FX Online Store - Sony Vegas Pro Plug-ins (

I know it costs more, but you get so much more than just the tracking plugin. I've used it for several projects - mostly the chromakey - and it has never crashed for me yet (there have been crash reports for some users)