View Full Version : Two camera shoot

Rohan Dadswell
March 17th, 2011, 05:31 PM
I think I know the answer but just in case I've missed something obvious.

I'm about to do a two camera shoot (AF-102 shooting 25fps) and would like to have matching timecodes on both the NanoFlash recorders and the back up in camera footage.
When shooting with a single camera I've been using the trigger-timecode-last TC setting so so hitting the record button on the camera rolls both the cam and the NF.
Is there a way to do this with both cameras running jam sync time of day timecode or will I have to roll the cameras and NF independently ?

Dan Keaton
March 17th, 2011, 06:34 PM
Dear Rohan,

The nanoFlash can record when the timecode is rolling and stop when the timecode stops.

However, with the timecode running all of the time (free run or time of day timecode), this is not possible.

Thus the nanoFlash would have to be triggered manually.

Dave Sperling
March 17th, 2011, 07:27 PM
Not sure if this works with the AF cameras -- we sometimes do this with the XDcamHD cameras...
If we want record run timecode on a 2-camera interview, we set up one camera as TC source, and determine that it will always roll first. This first camera is set to record-run timecode. The second camera is set as time code slave from the first (free run mode, connected using tc cable), and rolls after the primary camera (and cuts before the primary camera.)
In a setup like this one, by splitting the timecode out from the first camera and feeding it to both camera 2 and NanoFlash 2, I think you could use its timecode roll to trigger the second camera's NanoFlash (using external tc input cable for camera 2's NanoFlash) Camera 1's NanoFlash can still be triggered through the HD-SDI timecode.
In this way you can trigger camera 1 and Nanos 1 and 2 all from camera 1, while needing to roll and cut camera 2 separately. (Of course Camera 2's Nano will record more than is recorded in camera 2, but that might not really be a problem at all...?)
Of course you're obviously not using time-of-day time code,

Rohan Dadswell
March 17th, 2011, 08:22 PM
Thanks Guys - that's confirmed what I thought the situation was.

On this gig having the two cameras tethered isn't really an option (I could set up a wireless link but that would probably create more issues than it would solve) - there is also the added problem of the AF cameras not having a dedicated Timecode in/out port.

Will go with rolling each individual unit

Godfrey Kirby
March 18th, 2011, 03:14 AM
What about a timecode slate shown to each camera. I do believe there is an ipad app. that turns the pad into a T/C slate. Or two slates jammed, if the cameras are too far apart for one slate. And isn't there some software that pulls video clips into sync by 'mod matching' the audio.

Lots of fun & good luck

John Richard
March 18th, 2011, 08:20 AM