Josh Chesarek
November 20th, 2008, 11:50 AM
What is: Dirty Harry?
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Josh Chesarek November 20th, 2008, 11:50 AM What is: Dirty Harry? Noel Lising November 20th, 2008, 11:59 AM Close. Here's a hint. It's a western. Kelly Goden November 20th, 2008, 02:34 PM Unforgiven? Noel Lising November 20th, 2008, 02:38 PM That's correct Unforgiven. Your turn Kelly Goden November 20th, 2008, 07:10 PM "I cant believe I kissed you." "Must have been your life long ambition!" Lorinda Norton November 20th, 2008, 07:16 PM Ooh! I know this one! Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Kirk to "Kirk!" Kelly Goden November 20th, 2008, 07:33 PM Yeah Kirk to Kirk! lol Sincerely yours: Lorinda Norton November 20th, 2008, 07:41 PM Thanks for that quote, Kelly. You made this Trekkie’s day. :) OK. Just watched this one again last night. It’s old…1959--the year I was born. Extra points if you can name the two main actors in the scene! “Hey Sheriff…you forgot your pants.” Josh Chesarek November 20th, 2008, 09:25 PM "Stumpy.... We're coming in!" Rio Bravo! There was John Wayne as Chance (What an original bad ass :-D) Dean Martin played dude the drunk. (steady hands for the music though) I cannot name the guy who played the young gun Colorado or stumpy :( I really liked this movie but for John wayne I like The Shootist or Hondo. Lorinda Norton November 20th, 2008, 09:38 PM Atta boy, Josh! Way to know your John Wayne movies, young man. :) Dean of my favorite actors. Btw, the line was spoken by Angie Dickenson; Stumpy was played by Walter Brennan, and Colorado was played by none other than Ricky Nelson. With Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson in one flick how could there not be singing? Don't get me started on the best John Wayne'd better take it away now! Josh Chesarek November 20th, 2008, 09:42 PM "Put your trash in the bin..." "Don't you have anything better to do?!" Casey Krugman January 14th, 2009, 05:50 PM Alright... It's been too long... NEW QUOTE! " 1: Uhm... Good Work... Um... You're aware that you're having a conversation with a decapitated head? Listen to me... Do you hear that? Past the noise in your head? That is the natural world. It's been here a long time before us and it will be there a long time after we're gone, that is real. That is what we focus on.... 2: Past the noise? This calls for a radical reasessment of all the facts..." Josh Chesarek January 14th, 2009, 06:28 PM for anyone curious my previous quote was from The Untouchables... :) Casey Krugman January 25th, 2009, 11:04 AM New Clue same movie... "All of a sudden 1 out of every two people just started killing, they just decided to kill people! And I'm thinkin the all gotta die..." Here's another hint. This film was discussed in the forum for using one of the cameras listed in HD section... Josh Chesarek January 26th, 2009, 11:24 PM Only one that I can think of is "The Blackout" which was shot using the XL-H1. Casey Krugman January 27th, 2009, 09:44 AM But no... Ok.. I'm giving a new film to try and keep this moving. "I'm a real American! I've been broke! I've been High! I've been robbed! My credit is HORRIBLE! They won't even take my cash!" Good Luck! BTW: The last two quotes were from "The Signal" Nick Hiltgen January 29th, 2009, 09:29 AM Ha, nice casey, didn't see the earlier quotes until now or I would have answered, the signal by the way is up for a john cassavettes award at the independent spirit awards, keep your fingers crossed. Casey Krugman February 2nd, 2009, 02:56 PM Ok... Uh... Hmmm... How about this? 1: We'd like you to run for President... 2: Of What? 1: OF the United States... 2: Of What? 1: Of America... 2: Which America? 3: NORTH AMERICA! How about that? Alex Sprinkle February 4th, 2009, 01:11 PM Man of the Year? Casey Krugman February 4th, 2009, 01:29 PM No.... It's in the same vein as that... but strangley enough more relevant now.... Chris Light February 8th, 2009, 02:40 AM .........w Casey Krugman February 9th, 2009, 12:46 PM But look deeper into the past. It was before the 2004 election. It stars a stand-up comedian. Mark Keck February 13th, 2009, 04:19 PM Head Of State Casey Krugman February 15th, 2009, 10:47 AM Your turn.... Mark Keck February 15th, 2009, 05:31 PM Ok... "You look so cool. You always looked so cool." Dave Robinson March 18th, 2009, 09:28 AM True Romance? Lorinda Norton March 24th, 2009, 08:03 PM Time's up and that sounds like a good answer, Dave. Why don't you take it... :) Dave Robinson April 29th, 2009, 06:58 AM ok "It doesn't surprise me that there's another woman. Of course, the fact that she's dead gives one pause. " Matt Buys June 13th, 2009, 12:48 PM Dave, how about another bone? Jonathan Jones June 13th, 2009, 02:40 PM ok "It doesn't surprise me that there's another woman. Of course, the fact that she's dead gives one pause. " I'm gonna guess "The Cheap Detective" Jesse Haycraft June 19th, 2009, 06:40 PM OK it's been three days... No answers confirmed... Thus I'm going ahead with mine. Here it is: "Request permission to relieve bladder." Paul Tauger June 20th, 2009, 01:30 AM ok "It doesn't surprise me that there's another woman. Of course, the fact that she's dead gives one pause. " Stir of Echoes OK it's been three days... No answers confirmed... Thus I'm going ahead with mine. Here it is: "Request permission to relieve bladder." The Right Stuff Jesse Haycraft June 20th, 2009, 12:56 PM Bingo Paul... I love The Right Stuff :) Great movie... Chris Hurd June 20th, 2009, 03:12 PM Got any Beemans? Heh. Your turn, Paul... Jesse Haycraft June 20th, 2009, 05:35 PM Yeah I think I got me a stick. Heheh, sorry, couldn't resist. On with the quotes! Paul Tauger June 21st, 2009, 03:01 AM "This life is not only wicked and sinful. It isn't even any fun." Chris Hurd June 22nd, 2009, 04:10 PM Ha. That's from one of my favorite movies of all time. Spoken by Faye Dunaway to Dustin Hoffman in Arthur Penn's "Little Big Man." There are tons of great quotes in that movie... Old Lodgeskins: "Is this my old hat I used to wear, except grown fatter and softer of skin?" Jack: "No, Grandfather, it's another." and Custer: "You came here to kill me, didn't you, Muleskinner. But you lost your nerve. Do I hang you? I think not. Get out of here." Jack: "You're not going to hang me?" Custer: "Your miserable life is not worth the reversal of a Custer decision." and Jack: "But the Indians had no mind to harm me. They gave me a real treat for breakfast, boiled dog. Now dog is greasy, I admit, but you'd be surprised how downright delicate the flavor is." and Caroline: "I know I've seen you somewhere before. What's your name?" Jack: "Jack Crabb." Caroline: "Lord above! I've tarred and feathered my own brother!" Paul Tauger June 22nd, 2009, 04:50 PM Ha. That's from one of my favorite movies of all time. Spoken by Faye Dunaway to Dustin Hoffman in Arthur Penn's "Little Big Man." There are tons of great quotes in that movie... Old Lodgeskins: "Is this my old hat I used to wear, except grown fatter and softer of skin?" Jack: "No, Grandfather, it's another." and Custer: "You came here to kill me, didn't you, Muleskinner. But you lost your nerve. Do I hang you? I think not. Get out of here." Jack: "You're not going to hang me?" Custer: "Your miserable life is not worth the reversal of a Custer decision." and Jack: "But the Indians had no mind to harm me. They gave me a real treat for breakfast, boiled dog. Now dog is greasy, I admit, but you'd be surprised how downright delicate the flavor is." and Caroline: "I know I've seen you somewhere before. What's your name?" Jack: "Jack Crabb." Caroline: "Lord above! I've tarred and feathered my own brother!"On the nose! I love that film, too. I recently watched it again on HDnet Movies. It holds up beautifully. Incidentally, having recently eaten dog in China, I must disagree with Jack -- it is neither greasy nor delicate. It tasted like . . . well . . . dog! Jesse Haycraft June 23rd, 2009, 11:44 AM Haha pssssst... guys... someone's supposed to have a quote :D Jonathan Jones June 23rd, 2009, 11:59 AM Haha pssssst... guys... someone's supposed to have a quote :D It's Chris's turn at bat. Thinking caps required - his are tough. -Jon Chris Hurd June 23rd, 2009, 05:57 PM A conversation between father and son. Hint: happens in a parade. Ace: "Hello, cowboy." J.R.: "I like your horse, Ace." Ace: "So do I. Climb aboard." J.R.: "Are you sober?" Ace: "I'm as sober as the day you met me. I've been trying to find you all day." J.R.: "Well I've been looking for you. You stole my horse, Ace." Chris Hurd June 23rd, 2009, 05:58 PM Continued conversation between father and son. Hint: happens at a railroad siding. Ace: "You ever hear from Johnny Mars?" J.R.: "Yeah, he's bustin' horses out at Carlsbad. Still makes the El Paso show." Ace: "And Buddy Cox? Always hollered 'as long as women live, my name will never die.'" J.R.: "He's dead, dad. Car crash between Abilene and Dallas." In addition to the title, name the director and the two principle actors above. Jonathan Jones June 23rd, 2009, 06:16 PM Total shot in the dark here, though I know its wrong because Chris historically posts quotes from obscure WWII action flicks and iconic westerns. But I'm still gonna guess "Every Which Way But Loose", because it just feels like some dialogue that you'd hear in a Clint Eastwood Action/pseudo comedy. -Jon Chris Hurd June 23rd, 2009, 06:36 PM You're on the right track. You've got the right genre and the right decade. Wrong star though. Paul Tauger June 24th, 2009, 01:31 PM I know what it is, I know what it is. Did it include in its cast an actor known for riding a more mechanical means of transportation than a horse? Chris Hurd June 24th, 2009, 11:05 PM Indeed. And here I thought I had provided a stumper. Oh well... In addition to the title, name the director and the two principle actors above. Chris Hurd July 1st, 2009, 01:51 PM Tell you what, I'll withdraw the previous quotes. Didn't realize how obscure that movie must seem today, but it's an atypical example from one of my favorite directors of all time, Sam Peckinpah. So in the interest of getting the show back on the road, I'll throw out an easy one: "I wish they wouldn't land those things here while we're playing golf!" Paul Tauger July 1st, 2009, 02:17 PM Is it Mash? Chris Hurd July 1st, 2009, 02:27 PM Your turn once again, Paul! Heh. Paul Tauger July 1st, 2009, 02:42 PM Okay, let's see . . . Character A: Morning, [Character B]. Back from holiday? Character B: I wasn't on holiday, [Character A]. I was in solitary confinement. Character A: Oh, it's nice to get a bit of time to yourself, isn't it? |