View Full Version : Help with 720p footage from HD250 !

Myles Williams
March 16th, 2011, 08:16 PM
I shot some footage in 2009 on the HD250 in 720p and do not own that camera any longer. I tried to play this back on a Sony HDV deck and it wont due to the 720p format. None of the local vendors in this area can help either( CTL Video, DC Camera, Penn Camera). The guy who bought the camera is now in the middle east. I would like to get the footage fron this tape.

If anyone in the Maryland DC area has this camera I just want to transfer it to another format so I can use it.

Anyone have any ideas?


Myles Williams
March 18th, 2011, 08:18 PM
I am now thinking that even a 200 or a 110 could play this tape so I can copy it or transfer it somehow to get the footage .....

Man it would suck to have to buy a used deck just to get footage from one tape !

Help !


Ervin Farkas
March 20th, 2011, 08:34 PM
Send me the tape and a hard drive and I'll do it for you if it's 720P30 footage. Can't handle 720P60 - I have an HD100.

I'm in metro Atlanta.

Myles Williams
March 20th, 2011, 10:05 PM

Thanks I will send you some info.


Ervin Farkas
March 22nd, 2011, 09:04 AM
PM-d you yesterday with my mailing address - no reply...

Did you get it?

Myles Williams
March 26th, 2011, 08:17 PM
Got it yes, been super busy , will send what we spoke of this week.

Nice site btw. Impressive.


Marty Jenoff
April 2nd, 2011, 08:04 AM
If you haven't worked this out yet I may be able to help.