View Full Version : The need for speed: Intel SSD drive SATA3 / SATA-600

Magnus Helander
March 16th, 2011, 06:36 AM
I found two SATA3-plugs on my P55-UD5 motherboard and plugged an Intel X25-M 120gb SSD drive into one of the slots.

Blackmagic's Speed test reports an impressive 1.2 mbit/s read and 800 mbit/s write speed.
Vegas Pro 10c starts up in less than 3 seconds.
Screenshot attached.

Jeff Harper
March 16th, 2011, 06:42 AM
That's nice. Vegas open for me in exactly three seconds also, but I use the older Western Digital disc drives. The place I like to see fast drives is my scratch drive, which helps AVCHD files play nicely.\\\

Glad you're happy with your fast drive Magnus, I'd like to get one also.

Magnus Helander
March 29th, 2011, 09:04 AM
I friend alerted me to that this drive is the fastet thing you can buy today, "2,001 passmarks" which takes it to the top of the list - seek/access times makes a difference, other than raw data transfer

It is a Intel 510 series 120 GB SSD drive, model SSDSC2MH120A2

PassMark Software - Hard Drive Benchmark Charts (

Larry Reavis
March 29th, 2011, 03:49 PM
I also use the X25 for boot - probably the best single upgrade I've ever made to a computer.

However, my first one died during a spectacular thunderstorm - and my rig was connected through a continuous battery-powered UPS (1200 watt model). I think the intense electric field directly fried the SSD; nothing else in my computer was affected. Intel sent me a replacement pronto.

I also just last week lost another SSD (another brand). Just up and died. Still waiting for a return phone call for an RMA.

I wouldn't consider doing without an SSD boot disk, but they do seem to be a bit more unreliable than spinning disks. Be sure to keep an up-to-date image of your OS on a spinning disk.