View Full Version : Mocha black frames in CS5

Stephen Armour
March 14th, 2011, 08:44 AM
We're getting black frames with converted CF files in Mocha 2.2.1 under CS5 and Mocha will not track the info.

Any output from AE is fine (shows no black frames), but anything CF we have that was converted using HDLink (including EX1R and HDV stuff) and not output from AE is showing black frames in the preview window and giving errors on tracking attempts.


Stephen Armour
March 14th, 2011, 09:29 AM

Re-output CF video as I-Frame ONLY.

Mocha doesn't like anything else...

Stephen Armour
March 14th, 2011, 11:20 AM
The sad conversion saga continues...

NOW, we have a new set of wacko's happening.

First of all, the newest NEO 4K version (532b308).is giving probs and not properly registering itself so AE sees it. This is with CS5, x64, etc. We dropped back to an older version and it's back to working correctly.

Next, before dropping back to the older version, we tried to convert some BM Intensity Pro captured video (1920 x 1080p) to "I-Frame only" since it also was showing black frames in Mocha 2.2.1, but HDLink would only output the audio, and the video was black!

Sounds like you've got some probs with something, David.

David Newman
March 14th, 2011, 05:46 PM
File the bug with support, we released build 308 today.