View Full Version : Little tip

Finnur Bardarson
March 12th, 2011, 12:02 PM
I know many of you know this. If you shoot mov. and edit in FCP, in the settings change the render control from "same as codec" to Apple ProRes 422. It shortens the render time and gives much better quality in all effects. You will never see this dreadful message: "Conforming MPEG 2)

Andy Urtusuastegui
March 15th, 2011, 09:54 PM
Thank you. That is good info.

Ben Giles
March 31st, 2011, 10:13 AM
Sorry - I don't think I get it.

Are you editing natively with the XDCam EX codec? If you're transcoding anything to Pro Res, you're losing the workflow advantage of shooting straight to the HM100's native MOV-wrapped format (XDCam EX) and running this native codec from acquisition to delivery.

Any transcoding effectively uncompresses the original codec to Base Band and then recompresses to Pro Res - so the quality would actually be worse than editing and rendering natively in XDCam EX.

Or have I waded in too enthusiastically and missed something?


Finnur Bardarson
March 31st, 2011, 02:15 PM
No, render goes faster. This advice comes from the "highest levels" . The output should be ProRes 422, bigger file but it use 4:22 and better qualiry