View Full Version : Is this normal?

Geoff Addis
March 11th, 2011, 04:34 AM
From time to time I have noticed an odd artifact that appears almost as an inclined dark line 'strobing' across vertcals such as white painted railings or window frames causing a visual 'twitter'. The verticals where this appears are not necessarily those of the finest resolution or minimum pixel width, but are quite narrow; the clip has not been over-exposed and my sharpness setting is at -10. Has anyone else experienced this and is it normal or due to incorrect settings? Is this a characteristic of CMOS, I've never seen it with CCDs.


Craig Seeman
March 11th, 2011, 11:42 AM
Don't view using a CRT monitor.
Sorry you don't given enough info. For trouble shooting help please include settings when shooting and how viewing. It could be any number of things but without info you get nothing but random guesses and wrong assumptions. Please include details.

Geoff Addis
March 12th, 2011, 10:48 AM
This hapens with the camera set to 1920 x 1080 50i or 1280 x 720 50p, 1/50 or 1/100 sec shutter, any preset mode, exposure confirmed using waveform monitor.. Problem seen on 1920 x1080 50i capable LCD and DLP projector.


Robert Bale
March 22nd, 2011, 06:14 AM
I have the Same Problem, any one care to help us out - 1080/25p Shutter off 720/25p shutter off thats my settings

Geoff Addis
March 23rd, 2011, 04:11 AM
I've just been playing with a Canon 60d and the problem that I'm experiencing with the EX1 is a little like the moire evident on the 60D, bu by no way as bad. Could it be moire?
