View Full Version : PMW-350 Airport lighting color differences

Gabor Heeres
March 10th, 2011, 06:30 AM
Last night I needed to shoot something with my new PMW-350 at the airport. I discovered that the color of the runway lighting is adapted just by focussing or unfocussing. My colleague next to me (shooting with the older PDW-F350 (CCD cam) didn't have this problem.

YouTube - Airport Lighting Color Differences (

Is this a PMW-350 issue? Or a Picture Profile issue? Or a CMOS issue? Not that it is disturbing me, just wondering why.....

Zoran Vincic
March 10th, 2011, 03:55 PM
If this change at 0:10s happened without user input I would definitly call it a problem.

But to me it looks as the white balance selector was accidentaly bumped...

Gabor Heeres
March 10th, 2011, 04:00 PM
Hi Zoran,

No I didn't bump the WB switch, it's only manual focus control I am touching to different positions. Of course that makes the image sharp and unsharp but I never expected it would have any influence on the color of the runway lights.

David Issko
March 12th, 2011, 05:28 PM
The non runway lights in the distance and periphery also change colours. Can you try it elsewhere, say a long, wide street or boulevard, a long bridge perhaps to see what, if any effect that may have?

From my observation, I agree with Zoran, re white balance selector or even the electronic colour temp button activated (although this may have a visible effect on the blacks). Your focus pull/push changes all the lights colours, not the runway only.

Gabor, I'm not suggesting for a second that you purposefully activated either user option, that is what I too am observing. Maybe there is an electrical issue.

More tests needed.

I have a PMW-350 with a Fujinnon 17x ZA lens and I have never encountered this problem with outside night light shooting.

Hope you get it sorted.