View Full Version : Compressor not compressing - Boris the culprit?

Josh Keffer
March 9th, 2011, 04:08 PM
I recently purchased a download copy of the Boris Continuum Film Process plugin.
Boris Continuum Film Process :: Digital Juice (
I used it for some color correction and image softening and then sent the sequence to Compressor.

Compressor basically stalls out and doesn't do anything when I hit Submit. In Batch Monitor the progress bar doesn't even start to move and it says "Unknown Time Remaining".

I mention the Film Process because that's the only thing that's different about what I'm doing now vs. what I was doing before Compressor quit working.

I was able to output a Self Contained .mov file from FCP to Quicktime and then render that through Compressor, but that's an extra step I'd rather not have to take every time I want to use Compressor.

Here's my setup:
2009 Mac Pro Quad 2.66
Sequence is ProRes 422 (HQ) 1440x1080 30p
Rendering to H.264 in Compressor

Any thoughts?

Mitchell Lewis
March 9th, 2011, 06:51 PM
I've had a similar problem with Compressor. Here are the things that have fixed it for me in the past.

- Restart Compressor
- Open Batch Monitor and cancel process
- Restart entire system
- There's a bug in the Matrox MXO2 software but it's been fixed recently. I needed to upgrade the software/firmware.

Jeff Zimmerman
March 9th, 2011, 08:58 PM
Similar problems on both G5 and Intel. Below are a few things I found digging around sites. Compressor now appears to be working good for now.

System Preferences > Apple Qmaster > Stop Sharing

In Compressor, select the menu item Compressor and Reset Background Processing.

Close System Preferences and Compressor.

Open Terminal > cd /var/spool/qmaster/ > delete all the folders/files before you reboot.


Open Compressor to see if it now is working correctly.

If all is well enable Qmaster: System Preferences > Apple Qmaster > Start Sharing