View Full Version : 60D + Cineform ( ReMaster settings )

T.J. Marbois
March 8th, 2011, 08:08 PM

I was wondering if anyone else around here has a 60D and is using ReMaster to transcode their h264 into Cineform codec?

If so - what settings were you using on your input file?

Im at this so far:

Limit YUV ( 5D ) - it says 5D but Im wondering if this is also applicable to 7D and 60D family??
420 to 422 filter ( check ON )
601 Source ( check ON ) -- I know that I read previously that Canons are sadly producing 601 color space but has this changed with newer models or firmware?

Anyone else using Cineform stuff and a 60D around here?



Bragi Hinriksson
March 24th, 2011, 03:45 PM
I'm currently using Cineform. The settings you described are the correct ones to transcode to Cineform to the best of my knowledge.

I have found that this is the best way to use footage from Canon, 5D, 7D, 60D etc. It handles the colorspace very well and also minimized the aliasing to a minimum, giving you a beautiful picture to work with. We are now testing this method for a feature film taking the footage from Cineform, grade and to DCP for cinema.

Bragi Hinriksson, Little Big Films, Iceland.

Ron German
March 25th, 2011, 10:55 AM
Lately, I`ve had serious and unsolved problems with neoscene (Cineform) after transcoding stuff from Canon HV20 (HDV) using Vegas 9.e, despite the good quality of the codec .
Afterwards, I used a solution to transcode stuff from Canon T2i to my Vegas 9.e that have been working very well: I trancoded to Sony MXF 1920X1080 and couldn`t notice any diference from the original.
If you use Vegas 10, you can edit from the Canon original.