Johnny Riedstra
March 7th, 2011, 08:37 PM
Hello DV Info Community,
The Final Cut Pro software package has been a tool in my post production arsenal since version 2 was introduced; so my editing skills are I guess okay, someone did refer to me once as a diamond cutter, but recognition for good work I would hope - would present itself as a job. Unfortunately, finding one of those in these times is easier said than done.
Since one's own perception of what's been created can differ greatly from that of the general public's viewpoint, throwing myself to the proverbial wolves for ridicule is something I yearn for, because that is one of the many avenues available that can lead to solid growth in our abilities.
Now for my Technical question, I hope it is general enough:
If I am running mostly external HDD's, and run only 2 internal HDD's in my desktop each one being 1tb in size but with one drive having a 32mb cache, and 7200rpm, and the other drive having 16mb cache, and 5400rpm, keeping in mind that all of my media drives are "HFS Extended Non - Journaled", and my system drive is journaled, which of these 2 drives would the brilliant minds of the DV Info community decide to use for the system drive, and or the internal media storage drive that stores completed media, music, movies, images?
I had the misfortune of tripping, and falling into three totally separate, but completely related career fields, Cinematography, Post-Production, and how in tarnation I managed to, (like I said - fall), into a decent paying photography gig that took me all over the country for about 7 years, and brought me back to my home state while at the same time provided some of the the most thorough , and consistent, and practical photographic instruction possibly rivaling that of the Brook's Photography Institute in Santa Barbara, California.
Sorry for Rambling, It's a mystery as to why
So would my archival material would be better served up when needed l archival storage is
The Final Cut Pro software package has been a tool in my post production arsenal since version 2 was introduced; so my editing skills are I guess okay, someone did refer to me once as a diamond cutter, but recognition for good work I would hope - would present itself as a job. Unfortunately, finding one of those in these times is easier said than done.
Since one's own perception of what's been created can differ greatly from that of the general public's viewpoint, throwing myself to the proverbial wolves for ridicule is something I yearn for, because that is one of the many avenues available that can lead to solid growth in our abilities.
Now for my Technical question, I hope it is general enough:
If I am running mostly external HDD's, and run only 2 internal HDD's in my desktop each one being 1tb in size but with one drive having a 32mb cache, and 7200rpm, and the other drive having 16mb cache, and 5400rpm, keeping in mind that all of my media drives are "HFS Extended Non - Journaled", and my system drive is journaled, which of these 2 drives would the brilliant minds of the DV Info community decide to use for the system drive, and or the internal media storage drive that stores completed media, music, movies, images?
I had the misfortune of tripping, and falling into three totally separate, but completely related career fields, Cinematography, Post-Production, and how in tarnation I managed to, (like I said - fall), into a decent paying photography gig that took me all over the country for about 7 years, and brought me back to my home state while at the same time provided some of the the most thorough , and consistent, and practical photographic instruction possibly rivaling that of the Brook's Photography Institute in Santa Barbara, California.
Sorry for Rambling, It's a mystery as to why
So would my archival material would be better served up when needed l archival storage is