Charlie Durand
March 7th, 2011, 04:11 PM
Hey there,
So I've recently shot a lot of footage and it would be very useful to be able to tell, inside of Premiere CS5, the date and time I shot it.
When I play this back in the camera, the camera shows me the date and time it was shot. So I know the data has been recorded into the data stream on the tape.
But I don't see a way to view this data inside of Premiere CS5. Seems like it should be captured someplace, but maybe I'm wrong?
Is there a way to see this data on captured footage inside of Premiere CS5?
Kevin Monahan
March 8th, 2011, 01:34 PM
Have you checked the Metadata panel inside your Source panel?
Charlie Durand
March 8th, 2011, 01:44 PM
Yes, I checked there. All the fields (there are a ton of them) are all blank.
I see you screen capture but you don't show the actual fields. Are you seeing the date and time stamp?
Roger Keay
March 11th, 2011, 08:12 AM
I have a collection of personal DV and HDV tapes going back to the late 1990s and wanted to read the time and date information but never found a way in PP CS5. I finally bought a program on the net called DVMP Pro5 that reads all the data from the tape and presents it on screen in a simple to use player. In addition to date and time, the program also shows information about exposure, shutter speed, color balance setting, etc. You can burn the data into the video or create a CSV text file that is readable and printable using simple word processors like Wordpad. The program does a range of other useful things as well. I have had one occasion to use support and had the problem resolved in less than 24 hours with updated code.
The pro version of the program was $80 US when I bought it last fall. You can download a trial version at '' if you are interested.
For the record, I have no association with the vendor other than as a satisfied customer.
Charlie Durand
March 11th, 2011, 10:16 AM
Thank you for the reply.
I did some further searching on Google for a solution to my question and found the same answer as you are giving. Seems it can't be done in Adobe Premiere Pro. The closest we can get would be scene detection which would just split the video up into segments based on the time stamp. You still won't get the actual date and time data though.
I'll look into the app you used.
Thanks again!
Kevin Monahan
March 14th, 2011, 10:09 AM
You can make a feature request, if you like, go here: