View Full Version : Extracting both channels of audio? (700U)

Justin Molush
March 7th, 2011, 02:06 PM
I am sitting here editing some footage and I just realized that the HM700U we just got records multiple channels of audio (duh) and it says it takes in uncompressed audio (!)...

Is there any way for me to separate the two channels in Soundbooth and adjust it accordingly? I normally wouldn't be asking this question, but it states that it records uncompressed audio... I don't know if I should be reading that as "RAW" audio or if that simply means high bitrate audio.

I try to import the .mov into soundbooth, and it says codec not found. Originally had that problem with premiere as well, but an update fixed that and I don't want to rip it to another format if it is truly "uncompressed" as is claimed.

Would be nice to balance things out, but then again, this is the first footage Ive pulled out of this camera and Im still at the slice and dice stage - sound is already set, just not balanced.

Yay? Nay?

Mike Kujbida
March 8th, 2011, 05:11 AM
Uncompressed audio means that it's PCM (i.e. WAV) format audio as opposed to MP3 (10:1 compression).
I use Vegas Pro as my NLE and when I bring a file into it (I use XDCAM ClipBrowser to wrap the source MP4 files into MXF format), it comes in as a stereo audio track that I can separate into two mono audio channels which I do all the time.
Premiere can probably do the same thing but I've never used it so that's just a guess on my part.

Justin Molush
March 8th, 2011, 03:19 PM
Yeah, I guess I just need to play with it - I've been supplied audio for use in the past, but this is the first time I am doing the audio editing myself.

The only tricky thing I have been running into is the newer codec that the 700U uses for its formats - Soundbooth won't let me import the video clip to extract the audio as it doesn't recognize it and quicktime won't even play it... yet AE/Pr recognizes it no problem after an update.

Ill update this thread after I figure it out just in case anyone has the same question later.

Mike Kujbida
March 8th, 2011, 05:39 PM
It's my understanding that the MOV files were designed with Final Cut users in mind while the MP4 format was for PC users.
Is there a reason your shop is using MOV files and not MP4 files?

Justin Molush
March 8th, 2011, 08:14 PM
Well, I'm kind of in the middle there. I'm on OSX, editing with adobe - no final cut (was more budget minded to get CS5 in my case, plus I don't like Motion). I wasn't operating the camera at the time and the operator had it on .mov - since then it's been switched to MP4 and told him no more .mov haha

This .mov codec is weird - quicktime won't play it, can't preview it in finder, but the timeline in premiere says its native and internally we are A-OK. I see both channels in premiere, but soundbooth I guess isn't up to the task yet...

Not really a terrible issue but I would like to rework the audio, outside of Premiere so I can have more control. I'm sure by tomorrow Ill have it figured out.

Mike Kujbida
March 8th, 2011, 09:19 PM
My mistake as I didn't realize you were a Mac shop.
I looked and Soundbooth is at version CS5.
If you're not running it, that may be the problem.
An upgrade from CS3 or CS4 is only $99.
Is there a reason you can't export the audio tracks from Premiere as WAV files?
Surely Soundbooth can read those.