View Full Version : Question about supported frame rates on I/O cards.

Jeff Troiano
March 7th, 2011, 09:25 AM
I'm in the market for an I/O card, for monitoring only.

My question is, when looking at the specs on different cards, when they list supported frame rates, if (for example), it doesn't list 1080p29.97, does that mean, if I am trying to monitor that footage (like through final cut pro or color), will it not display any picture on my broadcast monitor?

I'm a little fuzzy on outputting a signal for color correcting, when it comes to supported frame rates. I'm looking for a budget solution, and have assembled the short list, and just as my question asked, am trying to figure out what effect non supported frame rates have on output monitoring.

Just for the matter of this discussion, I'm looking to send a proper signal (for grading and color correcting) to a dedicated monitor. At first this monitor will be a Panasonic Plasma (which will be ISF calibrated to 709 specs), until I can afford a true broadcast monitor. I understand that monitor is not ideal for broadcast work, but all I'm working on is personal projects for web delivery, and possible dvd.

I'm just wanted to understand the supported frame rates issue. Does this apply to output monitoring also, or is it more for inputting into the computer?

Thank you for any guidance or incite.