View Full Version : Adobe CS5 does not see installed ram.

Joe Cronin
March 5th, 2011, 10:38 AM
I recently purchased a HP workststion and loaded it with Adobe CS5 Production Premium. The Workstation came with 6 gigs of RAM which Adobe does recognize. I added another 6 gigs of RAM to help with rendering etc...and the computer recognizes it as 12 gigs..but CS5 still only shows 6. I reinstalled CS5 but still only 6 gigs shows in the memory menu.

Please advise..


Robert Young
March 5th, 2011, 01:08 PM
On my system (Dell), if I open PPro, go EDIT> PREFERENCES> MEMORY
the window shows:
1) Installed RAM (should show 12GB in your case)
2) RAM reserved for other applications- you can set this amount- = ? GB
3) RAM available for PPro = 12GB minus ? GB
If your memory window shows only 6GB of installed RAM, that would be something I have never encountered.
Like you, I have recently doubled my RAM. It showed up instantly in the PPro memory window.
What OS are you using?

Joe Cronin
March 5th, 2011, 02:24 PM
My system info Windows 7....shows a total of 12 gigs ram. So it must be an Adobe issue that CS5 does not see the RAM increase. I will try to get an answer when I call them on Monday.

Thanks for your response.