View Full Version : Could someone with CS5 test a quick file for me?

Ben Freedman
March 4th, 2011, 06:38 PM

I have a 5-second file that I'm wondering if someone with PP CS5 can test for me. I would just like to see if you're able to open and edit with it in PP CS5....

If you're willing, please send me an email to



Adam Gold
March 4th, 2011, 06:40 PM
Email sent.

Interesting. It's a MOV file that plays (sort of) but won't import into Premiere. GSpot identifies the codec as xd5b but says Codec Status Undetermined. Premiere says codec missing or unavailable. VLC plays the video but not the audio. QT and WMP play the audio but not the video.

Curious. Probably just missing a component of some sort.