View Full Version : Product opportunity with NeoScene and MXF

Charles W. Hull
March 4th, 2011, 11:00 AM
There is an issue with Premiere Pro 5 and the MXF files from the Canon XF series cameras. The MXF files seem to take up lots of system memory and can slow down editing for larger projects. When MXF is converted to Cineform avi it edits normally in PP5 with no memory issues. Maybe Adobe can fix this in a future release, but this is not certain.

But you need NeoHD or higher to handle MXF. Some XF camera users are scrambling to find a solution but are reluctant to spring for NeoHD. Perhaps a version of NeoScene that handles MXF is timely.

David Newman
March 4th, 2011, 11:15 AM
MXF camera users are not NeoScene users, we see a large difference here. Not to say we won't make it easier of MXF pro camera users in the future -- can't say how.

Charles W. Hull
March 4th, 2011, 12:09 PM
MXF camera users are not NeoScene users, we see a large difference here.
I'll buy that. Some MXF users are just feeling their way through PP5. Most of that crowd seems to use FCP anyway. I'm happy with Neo4K and PP5 and my XF camera so I don't have an issue. Anything you add to the MXF experience will be a plus.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 28th, 2011, 06:11 AM
Just to clarify, am I right in thinking that Neoscene will not convert .mxf files to cineform (I use the Canon XF300) - but NeoHD will?
I'd like to take advantage of First Light and would be happy to consider an upgrade...

Charles W. Hull
May 28th, 2011, 05:56 PM
Just to clarify, am I right in thinking that Neoscene will not convert .mxf files to cineform (I use the Canon XF300) - but NeoHD will?
I'd like to take advantage of First Light and would be happy to consider an upgrade...
My understanding is that that Neoscene won't convert .mxf files. But Neo will - you can download the trial version to test file conversion and FirstLight.

The original post was about a problem in Premiere Pro CS5 where using the Cineform avi file worked better than .mxf; but Adobe fixed this in CS5.5. But I'm hooked on FirstLight and usually edit with avi.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 29th, 2011, 03:02 AM
Thank you Charles,
I will download the trial version and check it out.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 29th, 2011, 08:10 AM
Well, I've downloaded the trial version and it's really excellent. I'm using it with Sony Vegas Pro 10.
One query to which I haven't been able to find an answer is:
What if I want to use the same source clip a number of times, but with different grading?
It seems as if Firstlight adds the chosen effect to the source clip, so this would carry the same look whenever I accessed it. I may be totally dumb about this and am probably missing something obvious, so please indulge me!

Charles W. Hull
May 29th, 2011, 12:53 PM
What if I want to use the same source clip a number of times, but with different grading?
FirstLight has keyframing so you can have different grading on different parts of the clip. If you need different grading for the same part of the clip you need to copy and rename the clip.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 29th, 2011, 01:55 PM
THank you once again Charles - that sounds very sensible. That's what I'll do then.

Chris Barcellos
May 29th, 2011, 03:39 PM
Take care. Interestingly if you render a file that has been unchanged in edit, back out to Cineform, it will carry through any changes you make to the original. While I haven't tried it, that may be true of any copy made. It was explained by David Newman once that its a matter of searching system for the original code, and it changes everything that spawns from it.

That is why in Vegas I will make a minute change of something and rerender. I'd be curious to see if others are running into same thing.

John Wiley
November 27th, 2011, 08:56 PM
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I just want to clarify: Neoscene does not work with Canon MXF files but if I upgrade to Neo4K it will work fine? And I don't need to use the Canon XF Utility to import the files first? I can jsust drag and drop straight from the card?

For a format touted as "Industry standard" I am surprised by just how many speedbumps I've hit with footage from an XF100. Somebody I shoot with regularly owns the camera and every time I get footage from them I end up with a headache.

Charles W. Hull
November 28th, 2011, 03:29 PM
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I just want to clarify: Neoscene does not work with Canon MXF files but if I upgrade to Neo4K it will work fine? And I don't need to use the Canon XF Utility to import the files first? I can jsust drag and drop straight from the card?

That's right, although the Cineform product to upgrade to is now named neo, not Neo4K.

I use the Canon XF Utility to import because it is easier to use than drag and drop, especially if you have lots of clips. But drag and drop will work as well.

John Wiley
November 29th, 2011, 04:37 AM
Thanks Charles. I don't have the Canon software because I don't own the camera, but I sometimes get delivered the footage. I'm not exactly a fan of the folder structure, but luckily the stuff I'm editing from this camera is all long-run live events so all the clips are in one folder generally.

Ian Lewis
November 30th, 2011, 03:29 AM
I use the Canon XF305 a lot and I find that if I point HDLINK at the top CLIPS folder on the card and tell it to select folder, then it converts all the files in all the sub-directories nicely without further intervention. No need to rummage in sub-directories. Or are you talking about something else?