Dave Luda
February 28th, 2011, 10:46 AM
I've used these cards for a year now on my NX5, 100s of hrs. Not one single problem. The price just keeps coming down.
Newegg.com - Patriot LX 32GB Secure Digital High-Capacity (SDHC) Flash Card Model PSF32GSDHC10 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820220452&cm_re=patriot_32GB_sdhc-_-20-220-452-_-Product)
Benny Ek
February 28th, 2011, 10:48 AM
I second that. These Patriot cards have been rock solid for me. Great deal @ $45
Ron Evans
February 28th, 2011, 11:23 AM
Same here I have several of them with no problems.
Ron Evans
Dave Luda
February 28th, 2011, 11:40 AM
considering I bought a 32GB Sandisk class 10 for $216.90 last march then found the Patriot for $100 a month later, the prices have dropped tremendously.
Slightly off topic but buying tech now days is just scary. It has always been forever changing but the window keeps getting smaller for major changes. For example I bought a new MBP last July and now the MBPs (released last week) are running at Mac Pro speeds. Have you all seen the new Thunderbolt tech on the NEW Macbook Pro's? 10Gbps up/dwn!! That's insane. Bye bye USB 3.0! This is huge for the video world, think of all the 3rd party devices that will soon be available with this technology. No more need for field monitors, just use your macbook pro for 1080i rez, real time. Render times, file transfers...pfffft a concern of the past. I hear the new FCP is going to be a serious upgrade as well.
For those getting ready to buy FCP....wait!
I will be selling my MBP to get the new one asap!
-Dave :)
Tom Hardwick
March 1st, 2011, 02:12 AM
Dave, your plea, 'For those getting ready to buy FCP....wait!' could apply to anything in this game. You have to board the moving train at some point because it's accelerating ever faster. I think we should accept that possibly only the tripod and the mics will be long term partners of yours, and the cameras, computers, lights and NLE programs will be constantly changed throughout your career.
But to get back to the 32 gig cards for so little money. Makes you wonder when Sony's 128 FMU unit's price will be 'realigned' in the wake of such flash memory bargains.
Dave Luda
March 1st, 2011, 06:39 AM
Tom, I hear you brother but the point I am getting at is these are not mild changes/upgrades as is most of the time. These are game changing updates. All I am saying is if you can wait a few more months you will benefit.
I missed the $500 rebate for the FMU last year, that would have been well worth it. I agree that it is over priced technology. It would be a nice to have. I assume SDXC will be implemented in the next round of AVCHD camcorders.