View Full Version : Keyboards

Nate Schmidt
August 12th, 2005, 05:56 AM
Hey everyone
I was looking at FCP keyboards, does anyone use them? I'm looking at one with a jog shuttle wheel, or else just the coloured keys you can put on yourself. Any experience, or advice?

Glenn Chan
August 12th, 2005, 08:55 AM
The place I'm interning at has the white one with the colored keys (that looks a lot like the apple keyboard).

The space bar is a little meseed, I don't think it was built that great.

If it was your own system, I'd just get a book on FCP like the Apple Pro Training one. You'll get the shortcuts memorized pretty good after that. (That book is like medicine though. Tastes nasty, but I suppose it's good for you.)

Moises Crespo
August 12th, 2005, 11:02 PM
Try these keycaps set .I place them on my G5 keyboard. Love it

Zach Mull
August 12th, 2005, 11:20 PM
I'm with Glenn on memorizing the keyboard shortcuts (it will only take you a couple weeks to learn the necessary ones if you set your mind to it), and if you want a jog shuttle and a true efficiency boost then get the ShuttlePro v2. That's what I use at work, and I find the ergonomics and multiple user-programmable key sets make me much faster in cutting and in repetitive tasks (e.g. adding cross fades and keyframes to get rid of pops in audio).

Duane Smith
August 13th, 2005, 12:47 AM
I'm a new user (only been at this for a few months) and I don't use a keyboard like that. I certinaly THOUGHT about buying one to help bring me up-to-speed with the program, but once I sat down and started using it, I just LEARNED the keys through using them over-and-over.

Granted, I bought a couple of books, and the first few weeks were tough, but now that I got the hang of things, I don't see any need for the keyboard.

I did, however, go out and buy a Countour Shuttle Xpress to get the jog/shuttle feature....which I could NOT live without now. I probably could have bought the Shuttle Pro, but the Xpress works fine for my needs (especially in conjunction with my multi-button programable mouse).

Nate Schmidt
August 13th, 2005, 02:38 PM
All right sounds like no keyboard, but I will look into a Shuttle Express. So now my question is...when do you use a jog shuttle, is it just for log and capture, or do you use it in editing?

Zach Mull
August 13th, 2005, 03:10 PM
Nate, I use it least in log and capture. I use mine most for really fast cutting with three-point edits and in trim mode. I also use it, as I said for other repetitive tasks. I find it's easier to get one-button access to a function if I map a button on the ShuttlePro to a shortcut (e.g. a non-ergonomic keystroke like cmd+opt+T for adding an audio transition) than if I remap the shortcut in FCP. You can even remap the jog shuttle if you want. It's just a "control surface," as software manufacturers like to call them now, and you can use it for most anything you want. It just can't take the place of your mouse for pointing.

Duane Smith
August 16th, 2005, 10:20 AM
I use the jog/shuttle most while editing. I do use it during capture, but not nearly as intensively as while editing.