View Full Version : 5D image doesn't fill lilliput monitor screen--solution?
Josh Bass February 26th, 2011, 08:54 PM Hi all. First let me say that I understand the lilliput monitors are not in the same class with the $500 and $1000+ priced monitors, so if what I'm about to describe is a limitation related to the monitor's quality, then so be it.
Anyway, Got a lilliput 669HB monitor for use with a Canon 5DM2. It works fine, but the widescreen image the 5D generates does not quite fill out the widescreen of the lilliput.
I am NOT in 4:3 mode on the lilliput monitor, it is set to 16:9. Even with this set that way, and even when I cycle through the "info" settings using the info button on the 5D to clear that stuff off the screen, the best I can do is a 16:9 image, proportionally correct (that is, no squeezing in either direction), on the lilliput screen that still has about a half inch black border on all sides.
I've also plugged the 5D into a Sony PVM14m2u CRT production monitor, and it does essentially the same thing, it's letterboxed of course, but also pillarboxed, though this letter/pillarboxed image is proportionally correct.
Just wondering if there's something I'm missing or if this is the way the 5D acts unless you have a super fancy/expensive monitor to use it with.
Chris Soucy February 26th, 2011, 10:57 PM It sounds like a monitor problem, not the camera.
If either of the screens you mentioned have a "fit to screen" or "fill screen" option, go for it.
It won't be proportionaly correct, but hey, something has to give.
I have no idea what format the 5DII outputs, but it's quite probable the small screen you're talking about has simply thrown in the towel trying to display it, but, no matter what, it should be fitting along one set of edges, at least.
As for the Sony you mentioned, there shoud be an OS interface that allows you to expand the view and get the picture to fit, that's what pro monitors do, no excuses there.
Neither of the screen are set to properly display the signal they're getting, is all.
Ken Diewert February 26th, 2011, 11:32 PM Josh,
I have one too, and that seems as if that's just the way the 5d2 outputs. I'm pretty sure that they are the same with the more expensive monitors as well.
Josh Bass February 27th, 2011, 12:25 AM Yeah, that's what it seems like. Any other camera I've hooked up to the Sony, HD or SD, displays correctly, and my XL2 displays correctly on the Lilliput. I can go through the menus again to be sure, but I don't think the Lilliput has a "fit to screen" option or even a way to size the image (though you can move it around horizontally and vertically).
I will play around with it and let you all know the results but I'm out of town right now so it won't be 'til tomorrow night, late.
Chris Barcellos February 27th, 2011, 01:27 AM Although the 5D is outputting HD while you are setting up your shot, It is a more like 4:3 HD, which show the entire screen output from the LCD. If you are viewing on an HD monitor through HDMI, you will have some pillars at the edges. (Note if you hit info button and clear display of information, you may get an image that fills for of the screen, depending on how your monitory reacts automatically.) Now when you start recording, the camera outputs in SD, and this change over creates problems for many, becuase the way the monitor is set up before recording, may result in a skewed image when recording starts. On my Marshal 7", I can set it for pixel for pixel image, and it creates a pretty happy medium compromise at both states.
So in setting up your monitors, try using a 4:3 selection, and while you get pillars still, it may provide more stability in change from non-recording to recording mode.
This has been an issue with the 5D that was carried over to 550d and 60d. The 7D was fixed, likely in my mind, with the addition of a second chip in the camera, that also appeared to cause overheating issues.
Ivan Mosny February 27th, 2011, 05:49 AM 5D output during live wiev will not fill the image. During recording is it only in SD.
Playback of recorded clips will fit to full 16:9 HD screen.
For Lilliput monitor i would recommend to choose the DVI input (its trough HDMI too) becouse on this is there not this long black puase afetr hitting rec button.
Josh Bass February 28th, 2011, 03:25 PM Yes, you guys are all right.
Seems the 5D is outputting a 4:3 signal with crop marks showing where your 16:9 video will really be, but most monitors recognize this as a 4:3 signal, and so treat it as such, pillarboxing the sides a little bit to make everything fit. Unless the monitor has controls to enlarge/crop the image, this is just the way it is.
Best result is HDMI, cycling through info until it gets as big as it gets, but still won't fill screen.
Not too worried about the "blink" when recording.