Andy Corleone
February 26th, 2011, 05:45 AM
Hi, I was comisiones to shoot a Music Video,
I was told they want a lot of Lens Flares something similar to this
I'm using my 5D MKII to shoot it. I'm a bit concern about sensor damage I would like to know the risk and what to do to avoid or low them. thanks
Denis OKeefe
February 26th, 2011, 09:36 AM
use a lens flare plug in in post production. If you shoot clean well exposed images in the field you can always make them look washed out, flared, or whatever while editing.
"fixing" flare or exposure is not so simple.
Louis Maddalena
February 26th, 2011, 12:28 PM
Yeah but it wouldn't look the same as an actual real flare from the situation.
depending on the focal length of your lens, and degree of directness towards the sun, you should be fine to get some slightly lens flare from the sun with out harming your sensor. I just wouldn't shoot with a telephoto lens as that has more magnifying ability and will focus more light on your sensor increasing the odds of damage. I also would try to get the flare that the clients want with out aiming your camera too much at the sun. If possible I might even try to use a light that is color balanced to the sun out of frame aiming at the lens to further protect yourself from sensor damage.
Luc De Wandel
February 27th, 2011, 01:45 PM
Beautiful flare can be achieved with any good wide-angle, that is: without the sunshade on it. It will not harm the sensor if you expose correctly. Adding flare in post will never get you the same effect. Want even more flare? Put a dirty finger on the wide-angle's front surface... Take a look at this magnificent double flare on this shot, that I made a few years ago: Concertpix - Internatonal Artists (