View Full Version : Sony NX5 vs Canon XHA1

Kyle Root
February 24th, 2011, 08:15 PM
I've had my NX5 about a month now, and am getting ready to shoot my first wedding with it in 2 weeks.

My friend that is helping has two Canon XHA1's. I had several "fears" (unknowns) about mixing and matching 2 completely different camera formats (HDV and AVCHD) with the different pixel ratios (1.0 vs 1.33) in the same timeline in Premiere Pro CS5. On top of that, which project type to choose?

Well after several tests, I've determined that it doesn't matter which project setting you choose: either AVCHD or HDV renders the footage correctly, and I've had no problems editing mutliple tracks so far.

I conducted a series of several unscientific, yet useful I think, tests with the 2 cameras in the limited time I've had them. (I had to borrow an XHA1 for a couple days to do this).

You can check out the clips on vimeo if you're interested:

Straight Out of the Box Image Comparison
Canon XHA1 and Sony NX5U on Vimeo

More comparison
Sony NX5U and Canon XHA1 Test 2 on Vimeo

I plan on shooting some gain comparisons next.


Anthony Mozora
February 25th, 2011, 01:13 AM
i had 2 canon xha1s and i have recently sold my second xha1 to upgrade to the nx5. So now I do multicamera shootings with nx5 and a1.

the image quality is 99.9% the same, NX5 is way better in low light and on the rest canon is only better in autofocus. ofcourse the main advance of NX5 is that is tapeless and that can support the 128gb FMU unit.

Chris Adeyefa
February 25th, 2011, 07:43 AM
Very nice test Karl. I'd love to see a noise floor test. As i've constantly had noise issues indoors in low light. I'd like to see how the XHA1 holds up against it for a comparison. Sometimes the noise is so bad even in fair low light conditions i feel like there is something wrong with my unit.

Kyle Root
February 25th, 2011, 11:46 AM
I don't know who Karl is... but... anyways... LOL

I plan on doing some low light gain comparisons this weekend. I had used up my upload quota for the week on Vimeo, and it looks like it reset today.

I was surprized how easy it was to match the NX and XH. My method may not have been the most technically sound (just tweaking the XH settings until what I saw in the XH LCD matched what I was seeing in the NX LCD) but it worked quite well.

As I noted in one of the videos, even at the same settings: db, F, and S... the overall image brightness of the NX was noticeably higher than the XH. My hypothesis is: keeping the F stop and Shutter speed the same, shooting at say +3db on the XH would be equivalent at shooting at -3db on the NX5 (give or take)... I'm going to test that this weekend too.

You are right about the advange of the FMU recording feature. That is really awesome. Overall I'm loving the NX5. I've been a long time Canon user, and when I compare the XH and the NX side by side, strictly from a "looks standpoint"... the Sony looks like a much more pro camera, and overall just feels "more solid" to me.

Serggio Lamas
November 11th, 2011, 06:13 AM
look here and see the video picture from canon is beter from sony in live view at wedding

how to get more sharpness movies with nx5, the Canon XH A1 is beter with nice colors and very good sharp movies.
the presets is only 6 how to add more presets,.
how to take this movie with nx5,this movie use the canon XH A1 h**p://
ps. remove the - to see the user movie.
whats camera is beter sony nx5 or canon xh a1

how to have this video picture with nice white balance at white and nice colors in sony nx5? without lights

Ron Evans
November 11th, 2011, 08:15 AM
Serggio, there are many threads on profile settings like this one Make sure the anti flicker filter is OFF. Default is on and this makes the picture have poor focus, at least on my unit. Turning it off made a big difference as others have noticed..

Ron Evans

Serggio Lamas
November 11th, 2011, 09:26 AM
Ron Evans

where is the anti flicker filter in menu settings?

Ron Evans
November 11th, 2011, 11:31 AM
It's on the first menu page you get to . Its between auto iris limit and backlight on/off. called FLICKER REDUCE.

Ron Evans