Miko Meloni
February 21st, 2011, 03:43 AM
I've shooted in November one short doc in Apurimac, south Peru',
and edited this little clip
En Apurimac me quede' escuchando on Vimeo
Please comment and share!
Jeff Harper
February 22nd, 2011, 08:51 AM
Nice footage, thanks for posting. Great camera, isn't it?
Miko Meloni
February 23rd, 2011, 03:11 AM
The best I have now!
Alexandre Buisse
February 25th, 2011, 02:28 AM
I have shot at 6189m with mine, starting at 3:50 on this: Khumbu Diaries on Vimeo
Jim Forrest
February 25th, 2011, 09:08 AM
Very nice Alexandre. It must be difficult to climb and shoot at the same time. I particularly like the still inserts mixed with the video. Great job.
Miko Meloni
February 25th, 2011, 05:42 PM
Wow men!
I've lost the guinness..