View Full Version : import one project into another

Dave Stern
February 19th, 2011, 05:22 PM
there must be an easy way for this one that I'm just not thinking of ..

I have two projects, and want to add the first project into my second.. but I don't want to render the first project and import an AVI, I want the results of the EDL of my first project added into my second project so that I have all of the clips pointing to the original files, with the markers intact, etc.

tried to copy the first timeline, open the second project and then paste (simple approach I know) but vegas forgets the copy buffer when I open my second project so there's nothing to paste.

I see how I can save my first project as a text file which is the EDL, and I can open that file in a new project which then gives me what I want, all of the clips, markers, etc. but I can't figure out how to open that EDL into my second project when my second project is open already .. know what I mean?

this is in vegas 8 (I do have v10, but am working in 8 b/c I have to scrub some mpegs and v10 can't do it well but v8 still can).


Leslie Wand
February 19th, 2011, 05:50 PM
it's called 'nesting'.

as for copy/paste, you need to have 2 instances of vegas open already...

Don Bloom
February 19th, 2011, 08:19 PM
To expand just a bit on what Leslie said;
To nest the projects open one in Vegas then use project media icon to bring the 2nd project into the project media bin.

To Cut and Paste open 2 instances of Vegas open first project in one instance, 2nd project in the other instance of Vegas. Copy and Paste from one to the other. Done.

Dave Stern
February 19th, 2011, 09:46 PM
guys - thanks - sometimes it's the simple stuff that's not obvious and that's when it's time to ask someone and take a break .. didn't think to open 2 instances at once .. I did also nest the two but the simple cut & paste is really what I was after, so thanks, greatly appreciated... back to work for me ..