View Full Version : Twixtor or Twixtor Pro?

Ben Tolosa
February 15th, 2011, 08:41 PM

Besides the differences outlined on their website, which would you say the differences are (on your experience)?

Is it really worth perusing the pro version? Or the regular flavor will do the trick?

Is After Effect Time Warp pretty much the same thing as the Twixtor regular version?

Thanks much for your input folks!!

Mike McCarthy
February 18th, 2011, 11:05 AM
Twixtor is dramatically diffferent from AE Time warp, so that you can rest assured of. The differences are much more subtle between the regular and pro versions. The regular version is simple to use, and works reasonably well. The Pro version has more options, but I have never really been able to get better results with it than I get with the regular version at default settings. (And I have procesed hundreds of hours of 30p DSLR footage to 24p in AE with Twixtor.) You may want to look into Foundry Kronos as well, but we have stuck with Twixtor at my facility.

Ben Tolosa
February 18th, 2011, 10:09 PM
Twixtor is dramatically diffferent from AE Time warp, so that you can rest assured of. The differences are much more subtle between the regular and pro versions. The regular version is simple to use, and works reasonably well. The Pro version has more options, but I have never really been able to get better results with it than I get with the regular version at default settings. (And I have procesed hundreds of hours of 30p DSLR footage to 24p in AE with Twixtor.) You may want to look into Foundry Kronos as well, but we have stuck with Twixtor at my facility.


I went to check out the The Foundry's website and Kronos seems to be significantly cheaper than Twixtor. Couldn't find much more about it on the net, but that's probably because is fairly new. However, I happen to find the Time Warp in After Effects CS5 seems to be based on Kronos:

Adobe After Effects CS5 * Timewarp effect (

So, if I upgrade my CS4 to CS5 I might have basically the same thing or a very similar one.

But I really appreciate this input of yours because I think I will go with just the regular version of Twixtor then. I imagine I could always upgrade to the Pro version if I even want to. Which doesn't currently seem to be the case.

My regards to you and have a great weekend!

Arnie Schlissel
February 19th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that Kronos is the original optical flow filter. The filters that the Foundry sells are all very good, BTW.