Joe Carney
September 28th, 2002, 12:30 PM
"The Exorcist' when it was first out in theaters. I was only 16 and snuck into the theater to see it. Didn't sleep for about a week. The guy sitting next to me passed out he was so scared.
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Joe Carney September 28th, 2002, 12:30 PM "The Exorcist' when it was first out in theaters. I was only 16 and snuck into the theater to see it. Didn't sleep for about a week. The guy sitting next to me passed out he was so scared. John Locke September 28th, 2002, 04:13 PM You mean no one has ever seen the 60s creeper "The Shuttered Room" with Oliver Reed? I'm surprised it hasn't popped up on the list again...really, really scary stuff. The thing about it is the viewpoint of the "thing" that's watching the family through cracks and keyholes...with heavy breathing, of course. For old-timers, I have another question. Does anyone remember a 60s black & white movie (might have been a teleplay) about a man who accidentally gets locked inside a huge NY department store overnight? After the lights go out, the mannequins come alive...but it turns out the mannequins are nice and they help him escape a run-in with these shadow people with glowing eyes that also come out at night when the lights go out. Sounds goofy when I write it now...but just seeing the slight movement of those dark shapes and blinking eyes in the darkness as they stalk him through the dark store...that was pretty scary. And I remember one more for old-timers, there was a particular episode of Grizzly Adams where something (again with heavy breathing) is stalking Adams' cabin and watching him from the bushes. Turns out it was just a wolverine...but the build up was so well done, in creating a creepy, suspenseful setting, that it has stuck with me all these years. I remember even as a kid being impressed with the way it was shot. Josh Bass September 28th, 2002, 07:27 PM Bad Seed! Village of the Damned! Matthew D. September 28th, 2002, 08:07 PM You mean the original (1960) "Village of the Damned", right? Josh Bass September 28th, 2002, 10:42 PM Damn skippy. . .not that remake with Kirsty Ally. Mark Moore October 2nd, 2002, 10:54 PM There are too many for me to list all, but here are a few: (the first) TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (theatre) JAWS (theatre) EXORCIST (theatre) (the original) THE HAUNTING (home) ALIENS (for some reason the second one scared me more than the first - theatre) THE BIRDS (home) One of my favorite "suspenseful" movies is the original CAPE FEAR with Robert Mitchum - "Counselor, I got all kinds of thing in store for your family", and "Your daughter's lookin' real juicy now, Counselor"! Or something like that. I quite liked THE OTHERS and EVENT HORIZON. When I was a kid, the original BLOB scared me, but then I grew up! Erik Selakoff October 8th, 2002, 01:56 AM Watch these alone late at night with the lights out & the volume up, I dare you! 1) Session 9 (shot on Hi-Def too I believe) scary, disturbing & utterly brilliant! 2) Phantasm (the Tall Man) saw it when I was 10 on network TV and didn't sleep for a week. 3) A Nightmare On Elm Street 4) Candyman 5) The Changeling 6) The Exorcist 1 or 3 (ignore part 2 at all costs!) 7) Any of my elementary school productions ;-) Adam Lawrence October 8th, 2002, 10:16 AM anyone remember the orginial "children of the corn"? i think they made 26 sequels after that but i remember watching this movie when i was young.. man this was disturbing needless to say...not sure how it would be if i watched it now...i might just never see it again, just to retain the authentic fright from what i remember. Jason Pechman October 8th, 2002, 06:22 PM Anyone ever see "Somthing wicked this way comes"? Jason Robards and those two kids, creepy circus comes to town... Errie, Also, anyone ever play Resident Evil (the Directors cut) on PS1? About 1:30 am, after work.. quiet apartmet... Wife asleep... Boy, look out! Prepare for heart racing! Aslo, the last 1/4 of Jaws II, when that helicopter gets pulled into the ocean! When your a kid, that is terrifying stuff! Josh Bass October 8th, 2002, 07:52 PM Resident evil! Whoo Hoo! Also see, Silent Hill, and Resident Evil Zero for Gamecube. I'm sure I will be told this is a movie forum by the next person who answers this thread. Dylan Couper October 13th, 2002, 03:30 PM Resident Evil is/was the scariest video game I ever played. ALthough the original Alone In The Dark was tension filled. Of course, there were quite a few points in Quake that startled me into dropping my keyboard off my lap. The commercials for Silent Hill (2?) looked scary enough. PD1501974, I'm going to go rent Session 9. It better be scary, OR ELSE! ;) Erik Selakoff October 13th, 2002, 04:00 PM Dylan, it is both scary & disturbing; As well as beautifully shot (except for one or two minor complaints) and incredibly well acted. But you HAVE to watch it in the dark with the volume up, preferably alone. And Silent Hill 2 IS the scariest/eeriest game ever. Way beyond Resident Evil or Alone In the Dark. It is a masterpiece. And for just plain disturbing, check out the film Audition by Takeshi Miike. Kinda slow but well worth it. Hope you enjoy! Erik Josh Bass October 13th, 2002, 11:52 PM I've played the first Silent Hill, but not the second. Excellent game. Was not that impressed by Session 9. I don't know about scary, but I know a really f*cked up horror movie--it's called Nekromantic, and proudly proclaims on the cover of the box (at least where I rented it) that it was banned in Germany, where it was made. Not for the faint of heart. Henrik Bengtsson October 14th, 2002, 12:18 AM Well allthought it seems that modern movies are not considered scary at all, i must say that sense scared the bejeezus out of me when i saw it first. Of course, all the suspense in that movie is kinda lost the second time, but oh.. the first one. And i managed to see it without any spoilers beforehand. So it was pristine moment. Other than that i must say that Aliens 1 is one of the most scary movies i've seen in a long time. And if possible, go get the spec. edition DVD with the isolated soundtrack. It's very educational to see how they use very customized musical background to enhance the mood and scary parts. /Henrik Frank Granovski October 14th, 2002, 02:36 AM Dawn of the Dead, and Alien (1). Josh Bass October 14th, 2002, 03:17 AM What about Day of the Dead (I think that's the one I'm thinking of). . .that one's pretty creepy. Really graphic onscreen violence, and they're all trapped in a mall. Joe Carney October 14th, 2002, 07:58 AM Yeah, the orgianl Alien was scary. Edge of the seat stuff back then. Especially if you saw it in a theater. mr cameraman November 13th, 2002, 05:28 PM Friday The 13th.(Theatre) The Excorcist(Home) Halloween(Theatre) Amityville Horror(Theatre) I'm looking back on my younger years when they had more effect on me than does movies I watch today. I guess I've hardened up to horror flicks these days but back then this type of horror was relatively new compared to what it is today. The sudden scenes and suspense in Friday The 13th scared the wits out of me back in 1980 when it was originally released. mr cameraman November 13th, 2002, 05:33 PM Some of mine are: The Changeling The Omen The Amityville Horror Psycho (Original) The Birds Burn't Offerings Black Christmas Derrick Begin November 14th, 2002, 08:14 AM Here they are: The Hills Have Eyes The Omen The Shining Alien The Serpent and the Rainbow The Exorcist - - New Version (Damn Face still haunts me) The Dead Zone Enjoy! Cheers! Derrick David Mintzer November 17th, 2002, 07:44 AM Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte 7 Deadly Sins Nick Kerpchar November 18th, 2002, 08:42 PM There are many scary movies but The Shining was one that sticks out in my mind. I was a registered nurse at a state psychiatric hospital, on the night shift, when I say The Shining. Man, I was looking behind me every minute ! Yikes ! Nick Ken Tanaka November 18th, 2002, 10:26 PM Nick, Haw, Haw! I haven't laughed so hard since the pigs ate my li'l brother! John Locke November 21st, 2002, 08:07 AM I just finished watching "The Others"...alone and at night. That was more creepy than I thought it'd be. Watching this reminded me of another film with almost the same name that I saw way back in the 70s...and that scared the bejesus out of me. It was called "The Other." Anyone remember that? |