View Full Version : Can I eliminate the Wooshing noise in Vegas?
David Ruhland February 15th, 2011, 08:45 AM I am trying to figure out how to eliminate the "wooshing" Whooshing" noise from the audio. Ideally Iwould like to figure this out and eliminate it during the initial acquistion.
I am using Sony professional headphones, and the minute i plug them in I hear a sound. It doesnt matter what camera I try them on...Perhaps this is normal as I am comparing them to Bose Noise reduction headphones i used to wear when i traveled back and forth to Asia.
I play with the Audio Gain Control and it doesnt seem to help. I have tried both MAnual Audio input control and Automatic Gain Control.
So if I cant stop it before post...I am trying to remove it
I have tried adjusting the threshold level in the Track Noise Gate Audio effects, but I am unable to find a happy medium, as the woosh becomes intermittent. and the sound is unnatural as it appears to be cutting in and out.
Don Bloom February 15th, 2011, 08:49 AM David,
It kind of sounds like it might be the camera preamp OR the wireless causing this. If you could email me a small sample I think I might be able to help you out on it. I have a couple of presets that might work.
Make sure the sample has both the noise and someone speaking so I can compare it.
Adam Stanislav February 15th, 2011, 10:03 AM It sounds like a problem with your headphones or the electronics feeding the headphones.
On the Vegas audio track take a look at the sound wave representation of a portion where there should be no sound. If it is just a smooth line, there is no noise regardless of what your headphones are telling you. If there is noise, it shows as tiny spikes on the line. You may need to zoom in to see it well.
Mike Kujbida February 15th, 2011, 10:29 AM David, when I got my first pair of really good headphones a number of years ago, I was astounded at how bad I thought my field recordings were.
It turned out the headphones were too good as I couldn't hear those same sounds back in the edit suite on a good set of monitors (Yamaha NS-10M).
Make sure this isn't what's happening to you too.
David Ruhland February 15th, 2011, 10:47 AM Thanks guys... im a lil perplexed... it doesnt help matters that I have tinnutis! I can compensentate for that constant ringing in my ears... but its definate wooshing.
Just for the fun of it i did a little experiment and recorded to my zoom h4n. Sounds great when i bring into Vegas.. plug mic into the Beachtek or the camera direct....Woosh!...
I tried it on another camera as well..with the same results.
David Ruhland February 15th, 2011, 02:00 PM Perhaps my inexperience is hearing something that is normal and translating it into a problem. I have attached a test file in .wav format for you pros to review.
Don Bloom February 15th, 2011, 02:57 PM I listened on my laptop with sime cheap headphones so I could be wrong here but there seem to be a little noise in the background but that could be the phones I had on. If it isn't then the fix is pretty simple.
OK forget this. I just realized I had this set up to send to someone else for a different audio problem so it doesn't apply here.
I DID listen to it on my edit machine and by using the 20 band GRaphic EQ and going to the 900 to 7.2K bands the noise can be adjusted out but be careful as you can also interfere with the voice as well.
Mike Kujbida February 15th, 2011, 05:19 PM By no means am I even reasonably competent in the use of iZotope RX but I ran your clip through the Denoiser tool using the default settings and here's what I came up with.
This program is amazing!!
Graham Bernard February 16th, 2011, 01:56 AM This program is amazing!!
Ain't that the truth. If you can hear it, you'll see it first in IZO-Rx.
Mike, if you get RXII, try out the Magic Wand, then find some harmonics to play with.
Mike Kujbida February 16th, 2011, 04:56 AM Grazie, I bought RX2 when it was announced to get the good price on it.
However, I've been so busy wrapped up in a lot of other things that I completely forgot to install it :(
Thanks for the reminder!!
Don Bloom February 16th, 2011, 06:36 AM I also tried a couple of different audio programs such as Audicity and Gold Wave and was able to reduce it as well as my NR plug in that I use in Vegas which eliminated the noise without disturbing the voice.
The Graphic EQ is a way to reduce it by staying in Vegas and without spending any money to reduce or eliminate the noise.
David Ruhland February 16th, 2011, 06:40 AM Mike....
Wow... that is impressive....
Don..I do have audacity....
Mike Kujbida February 16th, 2011, 07:32 AM Mike....
Wow... that is impressive....
Grazie gives it his blessing so you know it's good !!
And it can be yours for the low low price of only $349 U.S.
That's why I jumped on it when it was initially released as it was almost 1/2 price.
Mike Kujbida February 16th, 2011, 01:05 PM David, if $349 is too much for you (and it probably is), check out another iZotope product called iZotope Music & Speech Cleaner ( as it's only $40 U.S.
Jim Andrada February 16th, 2011, 08:34 PM Another vote for Izotope. I love it.
Marcus Martell February 18th, 2011, 06:18 AM Def we gotta try it, is there any trial version?
Mike Kujbida February 18th, 2011, 07:50 AM Def we gotta try it, is there any trial version?
Click the Download link at the bottom of iZotope RX - Complete Audio Restoration: Declipping, Declicker, Hum Removal, Denoiser, Spectral Repair, Restore, Remaster, Download (
There are several tutorials on the site and I strongly recommend going through all of them.
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