View Full Version : Shanu & Prathab : Hindu Wedding (filmed entirely with DSLRs)

Thanushan Kanagaratnam
February 14th, 2011, 10:06 AM
This wedding was filmed entirely on the canon dslr series. Used two 5D mk2s and one 7D. These couple along with the camera made a perfect day of filming. We had one 7D and 5D covering the ceremony continuously and the other 5D to get those creative shoots.

Shanu & Prathab on Vimeo

2 - 5D mk2
1 - 7D

70-200 2.8 ii IS
24 1.4
28 1.8
50 1.8
15 2.8 fisheye

Steven Davis
August 27th, 2017, 09:30 AM
I like it. I have a Hindu wedding coming. Thanks for the video.