Geoff Addis
February 12th, 2011, 12:04 PM
I am unable to access the set up menu to adjust the back focus by pressing the Cancel + Jog Wheel then + the Menu button on the rear of the camera as I did on the EX1, this is contrary to what I expect from reading eariler posts on this forum. Am I doing something wrong or is there another approach?
Alister Chapman
February 12th, 2011, 12:38 PM
On the EX1R you must do the following:
LCD must be in the closed position
LCD B. Backlight switch (under top handle) must be in the OFF position
Gain switch has to be set to H
Press and hold Cancel + Jog Wheel, then + Menu
Geoff Addis
February 12th, 2011, 12:53 PM
Thanks Alister, I knew there must be something else, somewhere to press!
Bill Rankin
February 12th, 2011, 07:12 PM
This post may not belong in this forum, however, since you know about the EX1R back focus adjustment....
Does the HXR-nx5 cam have a back focus adjustment? An adjustment that can be accomplished by the operator?