View Full Version : It's too darn hot!

Allan Black
February 9th, 2011, 12:13 AM
G'day all. There's a lot of threads about using the A1/s cams in very low and below freezing temps but not many, or any I could find about running the cam on very very hot days.

Recently we've had temps above 40C (102F), 45C in fact (113F) along with the worst floods in memory and a giant cyclone in Qld.

The cams are rated to 40C and with a couple of outdoor events and the hot weather returning I'm wondering whether it'll be worth it.

Out in the sun without cover, the cams insides will go way above the outside temp .. even getting to the events we'll have to keep the cams inside the cars in the aircon and take care equalising the temp.

So who has experience with this, and what happened to yr poor 'ole A1? Did it go into the shop, what repairs and what was the cost?


Bryce Comer
February 9th, 2011, 02:53 AM
Hey Allen,
I did do a couple of days filming up in Hattah Kulkyne (not sure if i spelt that correctly) it's up the north east corner of Victoria. While it wasn't humid, it was very hot, 46deg C infact! I didn't have any problems at all with my A1, but at those temps, i wouldn't be confident in telling you will be ok, just that i didn't have any problems personally.
Hope this helps,

Bill Watson
February 9th, 2011, 01:50 PM
G'day Allan.
December/January gets pretty hot and humid up this way. Had no problems with the A1 though.
A couple of times I've forgotten and left it in the boot (in its Pelican case) on very hot days. The camera case was hot to the touch when I felt it but, as I didn't switch it on until after it cooled, it was fine.

Allan Black
February 9th, 2011, 04:27 PM
Thanks guys that does help. Canon are just covering themselves by stating 40C as the top temp, but there must be a temp above that where things start cooking.

I've found my Pelican case is not temp proof too .. might pack a thermometer and more cold packs in with the beer.


Dave Sweet
February 10th, 2011, 07:22 PM
We've been using HX-A1 models in India for a long time at temps around 45C. Never had any problems we could associate with heat.