View Full Version : Hello from the Middle of Nowhere!

Tim Kerigan
February 8th, 2011, 04:37 PM
Hmm, I don't think I ever did this when I first joined up, so might as well do it now!

I'm Tim, a senior media major at Taylor University in Indiana but I'm from Massachusetts (don't ask how I ended up out here, longggg story). Graduating and (hopefully) doing something in the realm of video production in the fall. Looking for an internship for the summer in the meantime *fingers crossed*

Right now I have an XH-A1 and a 5DMk2 that I shoot with when I can't get my hands on the school's PMW-350's or EX-3's.

Done a little bit of everything, live TV, corporate, music videos, and shooting my final senior film this semester.

Chris Hurd
February 8th, 2011, 04:49 PM
Hi Tim,

I sure wish I was a senior in college right now... when I graduated
from UT Austin, it was all very much animal skins and clubs and
completely analog. The only thing that was affordable and still
halfway worth having was the Hi-8 video format. I shot my final
exam on a very heavy Panasonic 200 CLE tethered to an even
heavier 3/4" Umatic VTR. How I would love to be coming up into
HD acquisition right now at your age! Welcome aboard,

Tim Kerigan
February 8th, 2011, 05:08 PM

I'm ACUTELY aware of how awesome it is too haha. We just transitioned this year from shooting on some ancient JVC minidv cams to using the SxS cards on the Sony cameras. We also renovated the control room and studio for our live TV with all new...well everything.

(Can't seem to embed these?)
Our unfinished control room, that's the new backup/remote switcher, we've got a bigger one coming form Sony still. The cinema displays in the back will mount so they're straight up, but we didn't have them installed when I took the photo.