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Jim Bucciferro
February 4th, 2011, 06:13 AM
I have a wedding scheduled in July at a venue in New York State - in Westchester County.
The bride called me and said the venue wants to see a certificate of insurance.
I don't have any insurance for my business - bad, I know, but I never looked into it - now I guess I need it.

What kind of insurance should I get and can I just apply it to my homeowner's insurance or should I go with a separate policy?

Also, should I just get liability or also look into property / theft insurance?

I have read some of the posts but they are a little dated and want to get the latest info if anyone has any.

Jim B

Don Bloom
February 4th, 2011, 06:20 AM
Well what the venue wants is Proof of Liabilty. They don't give a hoot about your gear. At the start of rvry year, I make copies of my PoI and send them to many of the venues I goto thru a season just as a matter of course.

You could check with you homeowners policy and there are many other avenues to get insurance.
My only comment about whether you should just get liability or not is this...If your gear were stolen can you afford the money right now to replace it, piece for piece? If the answer is "no" then you need to have insurance on your gear. Whether you do or not is up to you.

Nick Popa
February 4th, 2011, 08:03 AM
Honestly, just bite the bullet and get insurance asap. Go to your local Statefarm, tell them you need liability and equipment coverage. Also make sure they know that it is a business run out of the house (saves a looot of money). you should be able to walkout of there with 2millon liability, 15thousand equipment, and a $500 deductible for under $200. Best decision I ever made

Chris Davis
February 4th, 2011, 10:09 AM
Talk to the agent who handles your home owner's insurance. You already have a relationship with them and it may be possible to get a rider on your existing insurance. If not, basic liability insurance will probably be $300-$500 per year.

Don't look at this as an annoying additional expense, but rather as a wake-up call to start protecting yourself.

Jim Bucciferro
February 4th, 2011, 12:37 PM
Thanks for the info everyone - I called my agent and waiting to hear from him. I'm not sure I want to attach it to my homeowner's - don't want it to affect my family in any way.
I looked at RV Nuccio for a quote at about $340. Not bad, but I'm going to see what Nationwide offers.