Stan Harkleroad
February 3rd, 2011, 10:01 PM
What's the best method for mixing in footage from a Flip Ultra HD cam with other formats in Vegas?
The Flip is 1280X720p / 3fps.
I may want to mix it with a normal SD project of 720X480i DV-AVI footage and also some projects with 1440X1080p / 24 or 30fps HDV footage shot with Canon HV40 cams.
So what's the ideal way to mix in the flip with each of those? Also if I want to mix all those formats together what's the best workflow? Most likely all these projects will end up on DVD as the end medium.
David Ruhland
February 7th, 2011, 06:11 AM
What I have learned from this board and what i do is start my properties at the largest format I have..So in your case the properties would be 1440x1080
Drop your video onto your time line and edit from there.
I always am working in 60i or 30p mode.
Hope this helps....Others are much more knowlagable on this matter I will try to find the link that I have that ask this very same question.
Do a search on this forum for "mixed footage" It will yield several results as well
Sam Houchins II
February 7th, 2011, 06:37 PM
Have you tried adding your flip's clips to Vegas' timeline yet?
Just wondering, since my offbrand flip's footage is non-native for Vegas and will require me to purchase Cineform to convert it into something I can work smoothly with.
Edward Troxel
February 8th, 2011, 08:36 AM
I have a flip cam, copied the video to the hard drive, opened Vegas Pro 10, dropped the clip on the timeline, and everything worked fine for me.
Stan Harkleroad
February 8th, 2011, 03:03 PM
It works fine. I've taken some footage I shot of my kids and used Vegas to export it to standard DV for tape.
The Color Fixer Plus from New Blue came in handy with the footage. Since the Flip is all auto most of the inside footage at home is off color some. I notice if I am pointing at a nice white door while recording the color balance changes and looks normal. If I move it away where there isn't a decent white source it goes off. Outside in daylight it looks normal.
Sam Houchins II
February 8th, 2011, 03:22 PM
I'm glad for your sake, but also jealous and now even more bitter towards my cam's maker ;-)