View Full Version : Possible Vegas RAM issue?

Jerry Neal
February 2nd, 2011, 05:18 PM

I had a project that I was working on about a week ago and Vegas was working just great. I opened the project again a few days ago, and everything is really sluggish. It acts like the computer is low on RAM, as Vegas is having a hard time showing clip images on the timeline, and hesitates when you try to move the slider bar at the bottom to move or stretch out the timeline.

Any suggestions as to what might be happening? I'm using Vegas 9 and Windows 7 64 bit. Shooting HDV.



Leslie Wand
February 2nd, 2011, 06:40 PM
a. have you checked (if connected to net) for virus / trojans / etc.,?

b. have you installed any programs / codecs / whatever since last good operation?

c. can you roll back to last good op?

Jeff Harper
February 2nd, 2011, 07:53 PM
I'm going to guess the slowness is connected to a hard drive issue. Hard drive has been filled too full, or something of that nature. Try copying the entire project, footage and all, to another drive. Rename the original folder so that the video clips of the original location will not be referenced...that is critical for the test. See what happens. When you open the project right click on any clip on the timeline to double check where the video clip is located to be sure that is is one at the new location.

If it is faster, than your hard drive was involved. If it is the same, it wasn't.

If the new location is on a slower hard drive than the whole thing is pointless to try.

Your symptoms also match that of a hard drive that is about to up and die.