Richard Alvarez
January 28th, 2011, 04:10 PM
Just a note to recommend the doc "Tell Them Who You Are" - Tell Them Who You Are (2004) - IMDb ( I watched it yesterday on NetFlix. A remarkable doc that works on a number of levels. Not only is it an examination of Haskell Wexler the cinematographer, it's an interesting insight into his relationship with his son, the Doc filmmaker SHOOTING the project.
There's a moment where his son is shooting the 80th birthday party for his dad. The party is full of A list people. Haskell is chatting with George Lucas, and Lucas points to the camera and says "You could shoot commercials with this camera." (Some sort of DV cam) Wexler replies "Yeah, yeah - I'd still want a sound man." George agrees "Oh yeah, gotta have a sound man."
As it happens, the sound FAILS on the DV cam, leaving the filmmaker with two hours of fantastic party images and no sound.
A really compelling doc.
There's a moment where his son is shooting the 80th birthday party for his dad. The party is full of A list people. Haskell is chatting with George Lucas, and Lucas points to the camera and says "You could shoot commercials with this camera." (Some sort of DV cam) Wexler replies "Yeah, yeah - I'd still want a sound man." George agrees "Oh yeah, gotta have a sound man."
As it happens, the sound FAILS on the DV cam, leaving the filmmaker with two hours of fantastic party images and no sound.
A really compelling doc.