Gregg Malmborg
January 27th, 2011, 09:06 PM
G'day all from down -under! ,I started shooting film when I was 15 and shot mainly railway related scenes along with a love of time exposures!!,Istill have the Nikon FE I bought back in 82' and have only just retired it!. Igot into video about 8 years ago when I rented a Sony cam-corder for a trip(hi-8 format!),and fell in love with the "realism" of motion pictures.I'm using an old Dell with Pinnacle 10.5 (don't laugh!!!),but upgrading to an I-mac with Final-cut in about a month!.My full time job is a signal electrician for Queensland Rail in Brisbane and i still shoot mainly trains but in a (hopefully!) different style?.
Glad to be aboard,cheers Gregg.
Chris Soucy
January 27th, 2011, 10:39 PM
Glad to have yet another Antipodean here.
I have the strangest feeling we're starting to be the biggest represented group per head of general population on the site!
Did you take a hammering in the floods?
Any video of it?
Post it, my friend, if you have it.
Enjoy, there are a lot of very knowledgeable people here.
I've learnt heaps, I can tell you.
Gregg Malmborg
January 28th, 2011, 06:05 PM
G'day Chris,no worries for me in the floods,but my depot is in the middle of two of the hardest hit areas,it's amazing to see how high the water came up with lots of houses completly under water,roof and all!!,then in a day or so the water is gone and stinking mud is over everything.Lots of people copped it pretty hard and some went through it in '74 as well.No video i'm affraid,got some still shots of trackwork flooded near the depot,now theres two cyclones forming up near Cairns!!,reminds me of summers back in the 80's!
Cheers Gregg.