View Full Version : First music video -- very open to advice

David Lavender
January 25th, 2011, 12:05 PM
A few friends and myself just shot our first music video for a local indie artist in Nashville, Amy Stroup. She's great, and her songs have gotten onto shows like Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, One Tree Hill, and Pretty Little Liars. That being said, she is an indie artist and had an indie budget. Let me know what you think ... we're still learning and growing by leaps and bounds every time we pull out the camera!

YouTube - Redeeming Love by Amy Stroup (

Redeeming Love :: Amy Stroup on Vimeo

Lee Tamer
January 25th, 2011, 01:21 PM
Very impressive. The only shot that really bothered me is the one in the very beginning where she's walking towards the camera on the street. I like the angle, but for me it feels like there's way too much head room in the shot, but other than that, very well done