Gerald Webb
January 22nd, 2011, 02:54 AM
Hope maybe David can answer this, or anyone else that knows, for that matter.
Cutting in Vegas with NeoHD converted files,
Render the job out to 720p, same as source,
Of course the only parts that render are fx and crossfades, the rest is just 'no re compression required'.
Now it gets interesting,
Drag the rendered file into First light for some framing and looks,
All of the Firstlight fx will only apply to the parts of the clip that were rendered in the previous render.
The no recompress sections of the clip wont accept any treatment- framing, colour correction, looks.
Now it gets more interesting,
If I go back 2 generations to the original source files and apply First light fx to them, they appear in the last rendered file.
Am I doing something wrong? am I missing a tick box or something?
If I render out a Cineform file and delete all files that came before it, that it was generated from, cant I add fx in Firstlight to the second generation Cineform file?
Please help.
Cutting in Vegas with NeoHD converted files,
Render the job out to 720p, same as source,
Of course the only parts that render are fx and crossfades, the rest is just 'no re compression required'.
Now it gets interesting,
Drag the rendered file into First light for some framing and looks,
All of the Firstlight fx will only apply to the parts of the clip that were rendered in the previous render.
The no recompress sections of the clip wont accept any treatment- framing, colour correction, looks.
Now it gets more interesting,
If I go back 2 generations to the original source files and apply First light fx to them, they appear in the last rendered file.
Am I doing something wrong? am I missing a tick box or something?
If I render out a Cineform file and delete all files that came before it, that it was generated from, cant I add fx in Firstlight to the second generation Cineform file?
Please help.